Interested in photography? At you will find all the information about Original Photographs Of Swami Samarth and much more about photography.
Swami Samarth Photos (Swami's Original photos from 1860s)
- Original photo: Swami having Hukka (1870-1875) Original photo: Swami Samarth laying on Vyagrarjin (tiger skin); Cholappa Maharaj and another devotee are standing by (1870-1875) Original photo: Swami sitting by himself. This is the most latest and probably the LAST original photo of Swami Samarth. Sometime after 1875. This is a rare original photo where Swami is …
Swami Samarth First Original Photo taken by Kodak …
- Original photo: Swami with another devotee (1860-1875) Original photo: Swami Samarth sitting by himself in usual pose (1860-1875) Original photo: Swami having Hukka (1860-1875) Original photo: Swami Samarth sitting by himself. This is the most latest and probably the LAST photo of Swami Samarth. See 24 more photos/paintings of Swami Samarth
Swami Samarth Photos (Swami's Original photos from …
- Swami Samarth Photos (Swami's Original photos from 1860s) raaj77. R. Raaj Chitaley. My favorite things. Lord Vishnu. Lord Shiva. The Way Of Kings. Mahakal Shiva.
Original photo: Swami Samarth with Cholappa Maharaj …
- Original photo: Swami Samarth with Cholappa Maharaj (1860) J. James Steinberg.
Swami Samarth Paduka Photos and related stories
- Extremely Rare Photos of Original Swami (Atma) Padukas. All Padukas below were worn (or gifted) by Swami Samarth Himself during his stay at Akkakkot from 1856 to 1878. Therefore, they are extremely important for all Swami Bhaktas. Story of each Paduka is given below the pictures.
Original photo: Swami Samarth with Cholappa Maharaj …
- Original photo: Swami Samarth with Cholappa Maharaj (1860) J. James Steinberg. Realizers. Original photo: Swami sitting by himself. This is the most latest and probably the LAST original photo of Swami Samarth. Sometime after 1875. D. Dhan Pat.
Story behind Swami Samarth’s First Photos taken by Kodak …
- The honour of taking the first photograph of Swami Samarth goes to the Kodak Company. The exact year of photograph is not known but it is expected somewhere between 1855 through 1870. George Eastman, the inventor of Kodak camera, is later known to have become a student of Swami Paramahansa Yogananda (1893-1952.)
Swami Samarth: Origin, Life, Samadhi and Mantras
- This is the FIRST Photograph of Swami Samarth, taken by the Kodak Company’s photographer - Read story behind Swami's photo by Kodak Origin: Shrimad Narasimha Saraswati (Lord Dattatreya incarnation of the Divine Trinity Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh-Shiva: 1378 −1458)
Swami Samarth - Wikipedia
- Hinduism portal. v. t. e. Shri Swami Samarth, also known as Swami of Akkalkot [3] [4] was an Indian spiritual master of the Dattatreya Tradition. He is a widely known spiritual figure in various Indian states including Maharashtra, India. [5] He lived during the nineteenth century. Shri Swami Samarth traveled all across the Indian subcontinent ...
- Image courtesy Google
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