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Moose's Landscape Photography Tips & Settings for the Nikon D5…
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Nikon D5100 Settings & Shooting Modes for Beginners
- Settings & Shooting Modes for the Nikon D5100 If you’re new to digital photography, chances are you’ve resorted to using Auto mode for all subjects and situations. This is fine if you’re trying to get an accurate exposure, however, in order to capture cool effects and freeze fast action you’ll need to venture into more advanced modes.
Advanced Nikon D5100 settings - digital photography
- AF-S (”single auto focus“): The D5100 focuses once and does not change focus until you take your finger off the shutter button and press it again. AF-C (”continuous auto focus“): The D5100 continuously adjusts the focus as long as you keep the shutter button pressed. MF turns off autofocus, stands for manual focus.
Basic Nikon D5100 settings - digital photography
- Point the D5100 at a frame that is about the same brightness as your main subject and at the same distance. Press and hold the AE-L/-AF-L button on the back with your thumb. Compose the final image and release. Caution: the D5100 will meter and focus simultaneously with Nikon's presets. Hence the recommendation to keep a similar distance as ...
Landscape Photography Tips & Settings for the Nikon …
- Landscape Settings for the Nikon D5100. Here’s a recap of the settings I used…. Aperture Priority mode (A on the mode dial) Aperture set to f/16. ISO set to 100. Image Quality set to NEF (RAW) Focus Mode set to AF-S. AF-Area mode set to Auto-Area AF. Metering set to Matrix.
Nikon D5100 Camera Settings | Michael Schwarz
- Nikon D5100 settings Nikon D5100 Camera Settings. These are the D5100 settings that I prefer. Playback Menu. Playback display options- None, Highlights, Shooting Data, Overview= ON. Image Review-On. Rotate Tall-Off. Shooting Menu. Set Picture Control- Standard. Image Quality- Fine or Raw. Image Size- Large. White Balance- Auto or scene specific
nikon - D5100 Car Photography Settings …
- On the D5100 this is via the "i" button, and you should select AF-C focus mode (see p. 32 of the manual) This means that when you lock your AF point on a target, the camera should keep tracking it as best it can. (This is called AI Servo mode on Canon cameras). Also set AF Area Mode to 3D Tracking (p34 of the manual).
How To Use The Nikon D5100 (Step-By-Step Guide)
- Let’s take a look at what they do. First, we have the Menu button. Pressing this button takes you to the main menu. The D5100 also has a shutter button. This button is for taking pictures. If you are in burst mode, pressing the button once will capture multiple images. The Nikon D5100 also has a Play button.
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