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Lilac Photo Contest - New Hampshire
- Photo Contest The purple lilac is New Hampshire's official State Flower as determined by the Legislature and signed into law in 1919. It may be seen throughout our State on private and public lands having been planted by many generations of citizens.
Governor's Lilac and Wildflower Commission - New …
- August 30, 2019 - The Governor's Lilac and Wildflower Commission has recently announced winners of their 2019 Lilac Photo Contest. Winning photographs highlight lilac plantings in various New Hampshire community settings taken during the 2019 growing season. Winners included: Grand Prize Winner - Eric Simon, Deering, NH
News42 annual lilac photo contest - NH
- As lilac trees begin to bloom across New Hampshire, the Governor’s Lilac and Wildflower Commission is once again sponsoring a photography contest to recognize outstanding images of the official State Flower. Entries are now being accepted for the 2008 Lilac Photo Contest. Photographs must be taken in New Hampshire during the 2008 Lilac season.
PPrriizzee DDoonnaattiioonnss …
- LILAC PHOTO CONTEST PO BOX 21 SANBORNTON, NH 03269 7. Entries will become the property of the New Hampshire Governor’s Lilac and Wildflower Commission. Photographs will not be returned to entrants. Winners names and photographs may be used for promotional purposes with no further compensation. 8.
Lilac photo contest winners announced | News, Sports, …
- Lilac photo contest winners . ... For the contest’s 16th year, more than 200 entry photos were submitted from all areas of New Hampshire. According to contest rules, all lilac photos must be taken in New Hampshire. “This was a very tough year for taking lilac pictures. The early warm weather in March caused many plants to emerge sooner than ...
Roadside Development | Highway Design | NH …
- The lilac photo contest was established in 1996. An average of 300 photos are submitted each year. Photos are taken throughout New Hampshire and include participants from all over New England. 2019 Lilac Photo Contest Winners Other organizations and program involvement: Student Conservation Association (SCA) Partnering with NHDOT
PPrriizzee DDoonnaattiioonnss …
- [email protected] Please include: Name, home address, phone, email address, location where the photo was taken and the variety of lilac, if known. The State of New Hampshire Governor’s …
Governor's Lilac and Wildflower Commission - New …
- The first time lilacs are mentioned in New Hampshire history is in 1750 when Governor Wentworth enlarged his house and the plantings around it. Since the only plant that has ever been planted near the house was a lilac, we believe it was there in 1750. Lilacs were already known in the colonies but few records exist, apparently because the lilac ...
Lilac Festival - Portsmouth NH and Seacoast
- The historic Wentworth-Coolidge Mansion in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, presents its annual Lilac Festival in May 2018. Tuesday, June 14. ... Photo Contest. Weather. Upcoming Events ‘Bird of Prey’ at The Stone Church. 06/16/2022. Owls of New England at …
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