Interested in photography? At you will find all the information about Max Wendt Photography and much more about photography.
Max Wendt Photography | About
- My interest in photography came back, and this time I grabbed it both hands... no more out-of-focus Star Wars guys! Over the years, I've gone from 35mm film cameras to large format view cameras (shooting sheets of film 8" x 10" and 4" x 5") with some medium format in there, too. I've shot color negative, color transparency, and black and white ...
- 1 review of Max Wendt Photography "When my husband and I started planning our wedding last year, we knew we wanted an outstanding photographer. …
Max Wendt Photography - Facebook
- Max Wendt Photography, Madison, Wisconsin. 222 likes.
Max Wendt Photography
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Max Wendt Photography | Raves
- Max always puts you at ease during a shoot, makes you have fun, and above all, makes you look better than the mirror does! - Doug Wamble The abundantly masterful photographer, Max Wendt (burgeoning with warmth, and tender gentleness), possesses an unwavering ability to capture fleeting moments of thrill that cradle poignant essential truths ...
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Max Wendt Photography | Contact
- Obviously, we need to get together for a photo shoot, but if you need graphic design services such as CD layout and artwork, I can handle that no matter where you are; contact me for details. Max Wendt. [email protected]. 608-669-1283
- We ended up entering it in the Old World Wisconsin Foundation’s annual photo contest, where it won first place in the “People – color” category, and also “Best in Show.” It will be on display at Old World Wisconsin for the duration of their 2015 season. Thanks for looking, and stay tuned for more frequent updates…
Max Wendt Photography, LLC in Madison, WI | Company Info
- Max Wendt Photography, LLC is a Wisconsin Domestic Limited-Liability Company filed On January 15, 2012. The company's filing status is listed as Administratively Dissolved and its File Number is M082107. The Registered Agent on file for this company is Max Wendt and is located at 5438 Esther Beach Rd, Madison, WI 53713-1502.
Max Wendt - Adobe Blog
- Max Wendt is a Senior Computer Scientist on the Adobe Camera Raw team. He is passionate about photography, and making tools that enable the creative work of photographers around the globe. When he’s not writing code or making photos, he enjoys playing the double bass and spending time with his family and dogs.
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