Interested in photography? At you will find all the information about Martin Van Lokven Photography and much more about photography.
Landscape Nature Travel Photography | Martin van Lokven
- Landscape, nature, travel, lifestyle and fine art photography by Martin van Lokven. Assignments, prints, workshops, photo tours and lectures.
Martin van Lokven Fotografie | Martin van Lokven …
- Martin van Lokven is al ruim 25 jaar professioneel fotograaf, gespecialiseerd in landschap, natuur, wildlife en toerisme. Wereldwijd. Met veel plezier!
About | Martin van Lokven Photography
- MARTIN VAN LOKVEN PHOTOGRAPHY. “IF YOU TRULY LOVE NATURE, YOU WILL FIND BEAUTY EVERYWHERE. VINCENT VAN GOGH (1853-1890) Landscapes, nature, wildlife, recreation, ecotourism, biodiversity, nature conservation, Nationale Parken en Landschappen, Natuurmonumenten, Nieuwe Hollandse Waterlinie, Stelling van Amsterdam, Gooi & Vecht, …
- Martin is professional photographer since 1996 and specializes in landscape, nature, wildlife, recreation & tourism, travel and fine art. Already in his early childhood Martin is fascinated by the natural world. He joins the Nederlandse Jeugdbond voor Natuurstudie (NJN) – a Dutch youth association for nature study – and spents most of his ...
ON TOUR - Martin van Lokven Photography
- IntroTypical for the photo tours are the small groups, like-minded guests, pleasure, experiencing nature and nature photography and contributing to the local communities.Depending on the tour you will have assistance in the field, lectures about nature and photography and feedback on your photographs. I will advice and learn you about…
Awards | Martin van Lokven Photography
- MARTIN VAN LOKVEN; MARTIN VAN LOKVEN PHOTOGRAPHY; AWARDS; PARTNERS & SPONSORS; Contact; Menu Close. AWARDS. Home > AWARDS. AWARDS. Home > AWARDS. WILDLIFE PHOTOGRAPHER OF THE YEAR 2017. Peoples choice award. Leopard gaze Leopardess in Serengeti National Park, Tanzania. Nominee. ASFERICO PHOTO CONTEST 2012.
Martin van Lokven Photography -
- Martin van Lokven Photography. 9,954 likes · 50 talking about this. Landschaps-, natuur-, wildlife- en reisfotografie, workshops, fotoreizen en presentaties …
Workshop - Martin van Lokven
- Weekend workshop landscape and nature photography Ameland accompanied by Amelander photographer Anja Brouwer (winner Frans Lanting Award 2016) and Vastewaller Martin van Lokven (winner Oasis Photo Contest 2011).
Martin van Lokven Photography's ... - Instagram
- 7,838 Followers, 1,888 Following, 235 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Martin van Lokven Photography (@martinvanlokvenphotography)
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