Interested in photography? At you will find all the information about Grcc Photography and much more about photography.
Photography A.F.A. | Grand Rapids Community College
- At GRCC, we focus on exploring photography and video as creative art forms. In the Photography and Video Associate Degree you'll learn with faculty who have studied, worked and exhibited their artwork in galleries across the globe. ... Grand Rapids Community College. 143 Bostwick Avenue NE Grand Rapids MI 49503-3295 (616) 234-4000. contact@grcc ...
Photography Course Offerings | Grand Rapids Community …
- Contact Info. Grand Rapids Community College. 143 Bostwick Avenue NE Grand Rapids MI 49503-3295 (616) 234-4000.
Pre-Photography, A.A. (General Transfer) | Grand Rapids …
- Create captivating images of the world around you. Graduate from GRCC with a Pre-Photography Associate Degree and transfer to the four-year college or university of your choice as a junior to begin a liberal arts Bachelor's of Art (B.A.), or professional Bachelor's of Fine Arts (B.F.A.) degree. The GRCC pre-photography major will cover ...
Photo and Video | Grand Rapids Community College
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Program: Photography, A.F.A. - Grand Rapids Community …
- Photography, A.F.A. Academic Program Code: 250. This program is designed for photography majors seeking a professional career and/or transfer to a professional B.F.A. program. A variety of technical and conceptual skills needed by …
Visual Arts | Grand Rapids Community College
- Pre-Photography, A.A. (General Transfer) Faculty & Staff. Leadership. Nick Antonakis. Department Head . (616) 234-4185 . Faculty. Katie Budden. ... Grand Rapids Community College. 143 Bostwick Avenue NE Grand Rapids MI 49503-3295 (616) 234-4000. Lakeshore Campus. 12335 James St. Holland, Michigan 49424.
PO 101 - Photography I - Grand Rapids Community College
- Description: This course explores and introduces photography as a creative art form. Students learn how to use a digital camera and industry standard software to discover new ways for making pictures. Students are introduced to different photographic approaches through demonstrations, practical projects, and hands-on editing in our state-of-the-art digital lab.
Pre-Photography, A.A. (General Transfer) - Grand Rapids …
- Pre-Photography, A.A. (General Transfer) This program is designed for photography majors seeking to transfer to a liberal arts B.A., or professional B.F.A. program. A variety of technical and conceptual skills needed by photographic artists of today are emphasized. Students can select course choices that will enable them to accomplish their goals.
Grand Rapids Camera Club
- Photography is our passion! The Grand Rapids Camera Club is a member of the Photographic Society of America and the Southwestern Michigan Council of Camera Clubs. We usually meet once a month for a presentation which is both interesting and informative. This is followed by our photo competition for those members who want to enter.
PO 105 - History of Photography as Art - Acalog ACMS™
- 143 Bostwick Avenue NE Grand Rapids MI 49503-3295 (616) 234-4000
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