Interested in photography? At you will find all the information about Ealing Hampshire Photographic Society and much more about photography.
Ealing and Hampshire House Photographic Society
- Ealing & Hampshire House Photographic Society. Founded in 1890, we are one of the oldest surviving Photographic Societies in the World. About /. Visit EHHPS. Contact EHHPS. The EHHPS Committee. News /. Events & Meetings /. Events & Meetings List.
Ealing and Hampshire House Photographic Society
- Ealing and Hampshire House Photographic Society. Ealing and Hampshire House Photographic Society, founded in 1892, we are one of the oldest surviving photographic societies in the world. Latest News. Featured. May 12, 2022. …
History of EHHPS — Ealing and Hampshire House Photographic …
- Ealing Photographic Society was founded in 1890, making it one of the oldest surviving Photographic Societies in the World. Its members have continued to meet throughout both of the World Wars, Society Minutes show that during WW2 bombing they still tried to meet at individuals homes whilst a significant number of members were away fighting.
Ealing and Hampshire House Photographic Society
- Ealing and Hampshire House Photographic Society. Ealing and Hampshire House Photographic Society, founded in 1892, we are one of the oldest surviving photographic societies in the world. Latest News. Featured. Jun 12, 2022. Winning Images from the Millennium Competition 2021-22.
Ealing & Hampshire House Photographic Society
- Ealing & Hampshire House Photographic Society — Borough of Ealing Art Trail Whilst being one of the longest-established Photographic Societies in the world, EHHPS showed a youthful agility in swiftly transitioning our weekly programme of Competitions and Talks to an online environment during lockdown.
Panel of Prints Rules - Ealing and Hampshire House Photographic …
- Panel of Prints Rules — Ealing and Hampshire House Photographic Society Panel of Prints Rules Panel of prints competition rules The idea of a panel of prints is to submit a set of images with a common theme, link or story. The panel will be judged and assessed as a whole not as individual prints.
Ealing and Hampshire House Photographic Society
- This group was originally created for members of Ealing and Hampshire House Photographic Society (EHHPS), which can trace its origins back to 1890. The group is now Public, but membership is...
Ealing and Hampshire House Photographic Society
- Don’t forget tonight’s competition with Highcliffe & Infinity at 7.30 (zoom link in newsletter). We ended up not getting a posse to go down this year so it would be lovely to have a good presence...
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