Interested in photography? At you will find all the information about Xanga Cute Photography and much more about photography.
PhotoGraphics's Xanga Site | Just another Xanga site
- Happy 4th of July Xanga. ... The fat hen is just a plastic cast I bought at the feedstore but she is sooooooo cute. The rooster, John bought it for me for Christmas this last year. I have a thing for Turkeys. Chickens run a close second. ... A photo contest each week at this xanga site: ...
Cutest Xanga Baby Photo | TheTheologiansCafe's Xanga Site
- Cutest Xanga Baby Photo. I asked people to send me photos of when they were babies and we would have a cutest baby contest. Send me a photo if you want to be in the next round. ... Haha I love 1 and 6 lol :] but all of them are cute lol :] 10/18/2009 6:09 PM; forever_4_real # 3 is the best. hands down, bar none. Tell your friends.
kkbphotography's Xanga Site | Just another Xanga site
- We are looking for children newborn to 12 years old KKB Photographyis looking for new faces. KKB Photography is in the process of testing new backgrounds, locations, props, ideas and techniques. Please join us this month for a 5 minute TEST session. All Participants will receive a gift certificate that can be used at a later date.
xanga photos on Flickr | Flickr
- Flickr photos, groups, and tags related to the "xanga" Flickr tag.
AliciaJoyPhotography's Xanga Site | Just another Xanga site
- Just another Xanga site AliciaJoyPhotography's Blog; ... and everyone who wanted to stay later and visit headed across the street for ice cream at the cute little mom-and-pop Dairy Freeze. I had just come to watch the game and wanted to soak it all up…my last summer in Washington. ... “Ever since you first started photography, I wanted you ...
dawnsphotography's Xanga Site | Just another Xanga site
- dawnsphotography's Xanga Site. ... endeavors and to the many many first time clients- I hope that you are thrilled with what we captured here at Dawn’s Photography. To say the least- Limits were caught and no one was rained out! ... The week of our TU TU Cute promotion brought yet another snowstorm of 2008-2009 winter. I guess it’s spring ...
Do You Have ANY Idea… | farewellphotography's Xanga Site
- They are hilarious, and wonderfully cute together… The above image was shot in the Chalet’s “Little Swedish Bar”… One of their favorite hangouts. Moments Later…. We made the trek outside, and Katie went on to prove how cute she was… (She’s standing on a step, and wearing big heels to try to make up a little of the difference, lol).
leannereisphotography's Xanga Site | Just another Xanga site
- studio photography session. private online proofing. $50 print credit ~limited spaces available until 5/31/2012~ to schedule your session contact (805)573 7637. 401 Mobil Ave #9, Camarillo CA 93010. by Appointment Only
Xanga 2.0 is Here!
- I mentioned previously that we've migrated all Premium users and campaign contributors over to the Xanga 2.0 servers. In addition, we also have prepared downloadable archives for the ~2 million Xanga blogs saved on our servers... specifically: * We generated blog archives for every Xangan who has signed into the site in the past 5 years, as long as they have more than two …
Santa Barbara Wedding Photography… | farewellphotography's …
- I’ve got about 15 posts worth of photos from our trip (and endless adventures to share) but I’ll save that for another day. We were hired to …
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