Interested in photography? At you will find all the information about Wound Photography Documentation and much more about photography.
Photographic Documentation of Wounds | WoundSource
- Wound photographic documentation provides a faster method for injury discovery on admission and date of onset and for reporting progression or regression of wound status. 7 Patients are normally asked on admission for consent to photography (photo identification, wound, etc.).
Wound Photography – How it Benefits Clinical …
- The use of digital photography has enhanced the reliability and accuracy of wound documentation. Though a wound assessment in patient …
- Photography, when used in wound care, is an adjunct to assessment documentation and serves only to support the written wound documentation. When photography is used, the facility should have specific policies in place that include the following:
Wound Photography
- Wound Photography Wound photography is a complex topic, consent, storage, privacy, as well as the actual taking of the photo all need to be considered. In brief, the main points for us to remember are: • Ensure consent • Consider privacy and dignity • Have something in the photo to use as a scale reference • Take a clear photo!
Patient perception of wound photography - PMC
- The objectives of this study were to provide an assessment of photographic documentation of the wound from the patients' perspective and to evaluate whether this could improve patients' understanding of and involvement in their wound care. Our results revealed that most patients visiting the wound care clinic have difficult‐to‐see wounds (86%).
Is wound photography becoming sloppy? - PMC
- Wound photographs provide a visual reference not matched by memory or the written word. 7 As patient load and work stress increases, time and the memory comes under strain. Technology can provide high efficiencies in wound imaging and documentation. 8, 9 However such benefits should not obviate best practice. Remember Quality In, Quality Out.
Patient perception of wound photography - PubMed
- Patient perception of wound photography The objectives of this study were to provide an assessment of photographic documentation of the wound from the patients' perspective and to evaluate whether this could improve patients' understanding of and involvement in their wound care. Our results revealed that most patients visiting the wound c …
Ten Dos and Don’ts for Wound Documentation | WoundSource
- Wound Documentation Tip #1: Visual Inspection. Do describe what you see: type of wound, location, size, stage or depth, color, tissue type, exudate, erythema, condition of periwound. Don't guess at the type or the stage of a pressure ulcer or injury (hereafter, pressure injury [PI]) or the depth of the wound.
WOCN PhotoPosition Statement -
- phy used in wound care is an adjunct to assessment doc-umentation and serves only to support the written wound documentation. When photography is used, the facility should have specific protocols or policies in place. Protocols or policies should include: • Provision to obtain informed consent (it is also impor-
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