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Aerial Photography – State Cartographer's Office – …
- none
Aerial Imagery Data – State Cartographer's Office – …
- none
WisconsinView: Aerial and Satellite Imagery of Wisconsin
- Since 2004, WisconsinView has made aerial photography and satellite imagery of Wisconsin available to the public for free over the web. As part of the AmericaView consortium, WisconsinView supports access and use of these imagery collections through education, workforce development, and research.
Wisconsin Historic Aerial Imagery Finder (Aerial Photos …
- The Wisconsin Historic Aerial Image Finder provides free online access to over 38,000 aerial photographs of Wisconsin from 1937-41. These photographs were originally acquired by the US Department of Agriculture. As part of a three-year project funded by the Ira and Ineva Reilly Baldwin Wisconsin Idea Endowment at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, these …
Aerial Photography – Robinson Map Library - Madison
- The Map Library’s historic print aerial photographs can be scanned for patrons who are unable to visit the library to do this research in person. Details on the fees for this service are listed below. Please use the Wisconsin Aerial Photography Catalog to see the library’s collection holdings before making a request via the form.
Vintage Aerial | Wisconsin
- 1964. 1. 4091 Co Hwy Z Dodgeville, Wisconsin It appears that the house was replaced. 11-CIO-35. 1964. 1. 4081 Co Hwy Z Dodgeville, Wisconsin. 11-CIO-27. 1964.
Imagery - WisconsinView
- From the USDA Wisconsin Farm Service Agency ( WI-FSA ). MODIS 2002-2011 - 250m resolution satellite daily imagery of Wisconsin (and other AmericaView States) from the Aqua and Terra satellites. From the MODIS-Today group here at SSEC. USGS/NGA 133 Cities 2005 & 2007 - 1-foot (33cm) resolution aerial photography of Madison, Milwaukee, Racine, Kenosha, …
Historic Aerials: Viewer
- Historic Aerials: Viewer. ← purchase image and/or print. state. meridian. township/dir. range/dir. section. -- select -- Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Florida Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Louisiana Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Mexico North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon South ...
How to Access | | Wisconsin DNR
- Select a county below for associated aerial photography resources and information. Select a county: ... Alma, WI 54610 608-685-6223. View index map [PDF] Burnett County. Years flown 2009-2011, 1998-1999 (see project timeline and details) Access to digital imagery
NETRonline: Historic Aerials
- However, you likely came here to view some historic aerial imagery, not to view maps, right? To view the aerial view of the current map location, you need to select an aerial year to display. Click on the aerials button in the top left of the viewer. You should see a list of years pop out to the right. These are the years of aerial coverage ...
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