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Spruance Enterprises Photography Website
- William E. Spruance [email protected] Wildlife & Nature Photography Judging Photography I have had the privilege of serving as a photography judge in south Florida since 2005. During my experiences I have found several short …
Spruance, William W. | Gathering of Eagles Foundation
- William W. “Bill” Spruance, a pioneer in the early use of aircraft in the forward air control role, flew 362 missions in the China-India-Burma Theater and continues to be a major force in aviation. A native of Wilmington, Delaware, Spruance …
Spruance Photography
- Spruance Photography. Home; Portfolio; Portraits; Weddings; Events; Browse More; Powered by SmugMug Owner Log In Owner Log In
William Spruance Dies - Air Force Magazine
- Jan. 20, 2011. Retired Brig. Gen. William W. Spruance (at left in photo with Johnny Alison), long-time airpower proponent, Air National Guard champion, and flying safety advocate, died in his home in Las Vegas on Jan. 15. He was 94. “We owe profound thanks to Bill for his insight, wisdom, and never-ending dedication,” said Air Force ...
SORC 2001 - Spruance Enterprises Photography Website
- Visit other Photo Galleries of William Spruance For reprints please contact go to Photo Reprint Order Page. Click on the photo or photo number to see an enlarged photo. To view all photos in the enlarged view: Click on the first photo and click the => at the top of the page. To return to the thumbnails view click on the up arrow.
B/Gen W.W. Spruance
- He was Chairman Emeritus of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, having been Board Chairman for 17 years. He was a permanent member of the Board of the Air Force Association and was on the Board of the Aerospace Education Foundation. On January 15, 2011 B/Gen. William W. Spruance went west to join all of his other dearly departed friends.
Benton Spruance prints for sale | william p. carl - fine prints
- George Bellows was a major inspiration for Spruance throughout his career, most notably in the early work from the 1930s and 1940s. PRICE ON REQUEST: Bulldog Edition ... William P. Carl Fine Prints. P.O. Box 14688, Durham, NC 27709 TEL: (919) 294-8228 - CELL: (413) 221-2383
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