Interested in photography? At you will find all the information about Willem Wernsen Photography and much more about photography.
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- Welcome! Welcome to my website! My name is Willem Wernsen. As far as photography is concerned, I am an autodidact, autonomous photographer. My work is mainly social documentary, many portraits and street photography. My saying: " I look with my eyes, I see with my soul ". I have published a total of 6 books.
Willem Wernsen - Eyeshot | Street Photography Publisher
- Independent photographer and author of five photo books: Beautiful People (2003), Timeless (2011), Behind the Great Wall (2014), On …
About Me - Contact - Willem Wernsen Photography
- Beautiful People, Timeless and On Street Photography are no longer available. Willem Wernsen, Member of DuPho/GKf. Contact For specific questions about purchasing books and photos, attending a workshop or giving a lecture, I kindly ask you to contact me using the form below.
Focus on Willem Wernsen ~ Philanthropist Photographer
- Wernsen wasn’t always a photographer. He bought his first camera at the age of 32 and joined a local photo club in his hometown of Amersfoort in the …
About Photography
- Fotosite van Willem Wernsen, Amersfoort +31 6 456 422 43;; GALLERY; SHOP. BOOKS. Zuiderburen; Behind the Great Wall ... About Photography; Reviews a.o. Video's; ABOUT ME; About Photography. → Article e-book street photography in RPS Magazine Benelux. Article introduction e-book "101 tips for STREET PHOTOGRAPHY ...
Willem Wernsen | LensCulture
- I am Willem Wernsen (1954, Amersfoort, The Netherlands). Autonomous Photographer I have developed myself from amateur to professional photographer. My work is mainly social documentary, many portraits and street photography. I have published 5 books "Beautiful people", (2003, sold out) and Timeless, (2011).naerly sold out.
Willem Wernsen | Flickr
- 11 1. My new book ZUIDERBUREN. by Willem Wernsen. 10 3. Portrait by Willem Wernsen. 19 1. The judgement by Willem Wernsen. 7 6. Streetphotography. by Willem Wernsen. 15.
How to Improve Your Street Photography – Craft & Vision
- Willem Wernsen’s keen interest in people led him into photography 35 years ago. Since then, he has come to know that humankind responds to humankind and that communication is key to making honest photographs—a belief that is evident in his work.
Willem Wernsen Photography. - LinkedIn
- Willem Wernsen. “About 40 years ago I bought my first camera. Photography started as a hobby, but it has grown into a passionate life style.From start I felt the need to photograph people. Of...
About Willem Wernsen | Flickr
- Willem Wernsen. BIOGRAPHY Willem Wernsen, born in 1954 in Amersfoort, Netherlands, is a freelance photographer whose work is mainly social documentary. Already as a young boy he was fascinated by black and white movies and by photography. With the few money he earned, displaying leaflets for a local grocery store, he bought second hand photobooks of the great …
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