Interested in photography? At you will find all the information about Which Syllables Are Stressed In The Word Photography and much more about photography.
Mark the stress in the following words: photographer, photography…
- none
What is the stressed syllable in photography? - Answers
- Where is the stressed syllable in the word photography? Tog. What is a stressed syllable for potato? The second syllable (-ta-) is the stressed syllable in potato.
What Is The Stressed Syllable In The Word Photography
- If a give-and-take ends in -al, -cy, -ty, -phy, or -gy, the stress falls on the 3rd from the last syllable. For example: geneOLogy, LOgical, phoTOGraphy. If a word ends in -ic, -sion, or -tion, the stress usually falls on the next to last syllable. For example: attraction, FUsion, BASic.
Where is the stressed syllable in the word photography? - Answers
- Yes the word rejoiced has a stressed syllable. It is stressed on the second syllable.
Mark the stress in the following words: photographer, …
- Below are your answers for the words you requested: photographer = pho-TOG'-raph-er. The stress is on the second syllable. photography = pho-TOG'-raph-y. The same as photographer; the stress is on the second syllable. conduct (verb) = con-DUCT'. The stress of the verb form is on the second syllable. ...
‘Photograph’, ‘photographer’, and ‘photographic’
- To make the confusion complete, the stress in the word photographic, pronounced / ˌfəʊtəˈgræfɪk / (fəu-tə- græf -ik) (UK), / ˌfoʊtəˈgræfɪk / (foh-tə- græf -ik) (US), is on the third syllable.
How do you stress the word photography? - Answers
- How do you stress the word photography? The main stress is on the second syllable (the "tog" part). This is distinct from "photograph", where the first syllable is …
How come 'photograph' and 'photographic' have stress on …
- That means in three syllable words, the first syllable is stressed, but in four syllable words, the second syllable is stressed. So, we get: photograph: Ooo; photography: oOoo; photographer: oOoo; Photographic is an adjective, so it gets its primary stress on its penultimate syllable, plus secondary stress on alternating preceding syllables:
BBC Learning English Quiznet Syllable stress
- 2. Which syllable is stressed in the word 'photographer'? a) photographer b) photographer c) photographer d) photographer a) 'photograph' has stress on the first syllable, but 'photographer' doesn't! b) 'photographer' is the correct answer. c) 'photographer' is incorrect. Try again! d) 'photographer' is incorrect. Try again! 3. Which syllable is stressed in the word 'development'?
Solved design a multiple choice question testing the
- See the answer See the answer done loading. design a multiple choice question testing the stressed syllable in the word photography. Expert Answer. Who are the experts? Experts are tested by Chegg as specialists in their subject area. We review their content and use your feedback to keep the quality high. Answer: Design a question testing the ...
THE WORD STRESS. Word stress or syllable stress is …
- Most stressed words are content word (nouns, adjectives, lexical verbs, and adverbs) while the unstressed words are function words. And we have some rules guiding word stress in English.
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