Interested in photography? At you will find all the information about What Was Angus Mcbean Photography Style and much more about photography.
Angus McBean - Surrealist photographer - Blue 17 Vintage Clothing
- One of the most imaginative photographers of the 30s, 40s, 50s and 60s was Angus McBean. His methods were distinctly unique, copying the styles of the surrealist artists of the time, and with a background in theatre and set design, managed to create some imaginative and striking images that are as relevant today as they were when he took them.
Angus McBean Photographic Archive | Harvard Library
- none
Angus McBean - Person - National Portrait Gallery
- Angus McBean. (1904-1990), Photographer. Sitter in 79 portraits. Artist associated with 276 portraits. Began his career in the theatre as mask-maker and scenery designer before turning to full-time theatre photography. McBean is renowned for his theatrical and inventive photography of the 1930s and 1940s. Imitated throughout his career, his influence especially in advertising is …
Angus McBean 1904-1990: photomontage and inspiration
- For McBean, Surrealism was a way of imparting a frisson of strangeness to photographs intended to flatter and amuse. He pioneered the genre of stage-managed celebrity photography that has since been so profitably exploited by Annie Leibowitz, among others. McBean had a difficult time during the Second World War.
Angus McBean
- Angus McBean was a Welsh-born photographer. His work mainly focused on surrealist self-portraits and portrait photographs of celebrities. Some of his most famous works are portraits of the actresses Vivien Leigh and Audrey Hepburn, and he also photographed The Beatles for their first album cover.
Angus McBean | Widewalls
- Angus McBean was a Welsh photographer, set designer and cult figure associated with surrealism. He is most famous for creating portraiture and documenting famous stage actors and actresses, photographed in the roles of their productions. McBean was born in in Newbridge, Monmouthshire in South Wales on 8 June 1904.
Angus McBean; Photographer of Entertainers - Los …
- Angus McBean, whose photographs of British entertainers ranged from a young Laurence Olivier to the even younger Beatles, has died at age 86, it was reported Monday. The Associated Press said ...
The lovely world of Mr McBean | Art | The Guardian
- It is not just the quality of the photography itself that charms, though he is a whizz with the lights, but his boyish fondness for props and trickery, for …
Strange beauty | Movies | The Guardian
- McBean, as the retrospective of his photographs that is about to open at the National Portrait Gallery shows, was an extremely adept translator of surrealist art into popular culture. Modern art is...
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