Interested in photography? At you will find all the information about What Is The Plural Form Of Photography and much more about photography.
What is the plural of photography?
- none
What is the plural of photography? - WordHippo
- The noun photography can be countable or uncountable. In more general, commonly used, contexts, the plural form will also be photography . However, in more specific contexts, the plural form can also be photographies e.g. in reference to various types of photographies or a collection of photographies. Find more words!
What is the plural of photograph? - WordHippo
- What's the plural form of photograph? Here's the word you're looking for. Answer. The plural form of photograph is photographs . Find more words!
What is the plural of a photo? - Quora
- Answer (1 of 3): “photo” is short for “photograph” - both in the singular form. The plural would be “photos” or “photographs” Quoting google: “Plurals of words ending in -o are usually made by adding -es. But of course, there are exceptions. (Aren't there always?) Some words ending in …
Plural for "photo"? - English Language & Usage Stack …
- Oxford clearly gives plural as "photos", but suggests that "photoes" is a verb; Merriam-Webster gives plural as "photos", but does not recognize "photoes" as a valid word at all, albeit it does recognize "photoed" as a verb
What is the plural of picture? -
- Click to see full answer. Regarding this, what is the plural form of photo? Dictionary check reveals: Oxford clearly gives plural as "photos", but suggests that "photoes" is a verb. Merriam-Webster gives plural as "photos", but does not recognize "photoes" as a valid word at all, albeit it does recognize "photoed" as a verb.
What is the plural form of photos? - Answers
- Photos is the plural form of photo. 🏠. Home
What is the plural of glamour photography -
- The noun glamour photography is uncountable. The plural form of glamour photography is also
What is the plural of photo? - Answers
- The plural form of the noun photo is photos. The plural possessive form is photos'.
What is the plural form of picture? -
- So "photos" is the abbreviated form of "photographs", yet, "photoes" could be the plural form of "photo" if "photo" was a word in its own right. The two wordsdescribe the same thing, yet, the words themselves arrive from different routes.
The plural of photo is photos. True. False.
- 2 days ago · Weegy: The regular English plural endings are -s and -es. True. User: An adjective has the same function as a noun or pronoun. True. False. Weegy: Adjectives modify nouns and pronouns.User: Most nouns ending in y preceded by a consonant form their plurals by changing the y to i and adding -es. True. False. Weegy: Most nouns ending in y preceded by a consonant …
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