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What is an EF-S lens? Photography terms explained
- EF-S stands for Electro-focus short back focus. This Canon lens mount was launched alongside the EOS 300D (EOS digital Rebel) camera in 2003. EF-S lenses have an image circle which just covers the sensor of APS-C cameras, meaning …
EFS Photography Abbreviation Meaning - All Acronyms
- Photography EFS abbreviation meaning defined here. What does EFS stand for in Photography? Get the top EFS abbreviation related to Photography.
what does EF and EF-S mean? | ThePhotoForum
Film & Digital ...
- EF is Canon's line of auto focus lenses for their auto focus (EOS) cameras. EF- S is Canon's line of lenses that are designed specifically for the 'crop factor' camera bodies as mentioned above. These lenses have a smaller image circle and protrude slighter farther toward the camera. That means that they are not compatible with Canon's film SLR EOS cameras or …
What is the difference between a Canon EF lens ... - SLR …
- EF stands for electo-focus and refers to its lens mount. You can recognize EF lenses by its red dot, where you line up the dot on the lens mount to a similar …
What are the Differences Between Canon EF, EF-S, EF-M, …
- The EF actually represents “Electro-Focus”, as the EF mount is an electric mount, the first of its kind, released by Canon to be used for DSLR and film cameras alike. The EOS, however, represents “Electro-Optical System”, which is the name …
Canon EF Vs. EF S Lenses - Everything You Need To Know
- EF simply stands for “electro focus” which is a motor inside the lens that locks on the subject you are trying to capture. The S in EF-S stands for “small,” a factor that depicts EF-S’s limited functionality. Gold nuggets for beginners: At first, it sure will look like a prudent decision to go with crop sensor lenses (EF-S).
What is the Difference Between Canon EF and EF-S Lenses?
- Benefits of EF-S Lenses. Canon EF-S lenses are generally smaller and lighter than Canon EF lenses because less glass and a smaller lens barrel is required to produce an equivalent field of view for a lens that goes on an APS-C camera, like the Canon Rebel line, when compared to a full frame camera. Additionally, the EF-S line of lenses are ...
What is the difference between EF and EF-S lenses?
- The "S" in EF-S stands for "short back focus", which means that the rear element of the lens is closer to the image sensor than on regular 35 mm SLR cameras. The proximity of the rear element to the image sensor greatly enhances the possibilities for wide angle and very wide angle lenses, enabling them to be made smaller, lighter (containing less glass), faster (larger …
What does EFS stand for? - Answers
- Photography
What does EOS stand for ? -- Canon EF and EF-S Lenses in …
- This stands for “electro-optical system” but is also meant to be a reference to Eos, a Greek goddess of the dawn. Some people pronounce it like the goddess (ee-oss) and others as separate letters (ee-oh-ess). Note also that the company itself is Canon with one N.
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