Interested in photography? At you will find all the information about Warming Photography Glossary and much more about photography.
Wedding Photography: A Glossary of Terms - OMG I'm Getting …
- Sepia – sepia was a process created when images were taken on film. During the processing of a film in the dark room, a special treatment was used to give black and white images a warmer, slightly golden tone. Nowadays, with digital imaging, this look can easily be added.
From A to Z: Photography Terms Glossary -
- Hyperfocal is the distance at which the focus point provides a deeper depth of field. It is often used by landscape photographers to ensure their scenes are as sharp as possible. IS IS stands for image stabilization, a technology that reduces the effects of vibration on an image. IS can be integrated in the camera body or lens.
Photography Glossary - Imaginated
- Photography Glossary. Providing definition and in-depth tips for any photography-related terms. Double Exposure. What is a DSLR Camera? How It Differs from SLR & Mirrorless. What is a Fisheye Lens? What is it Used For? What is a …
Photography Glossary - An A - Z of Photography Terms & Phrases
- A. aberration – an unwanted defect in a digital image, usually caused by a camera lens. ambient light – the existing light in a scene, usually daylight. aperture – a variable opening in the lens that allows the light to pass through to reach the sensor. Also controls the depth of field. aperture priority (A / Av) – a semi-automatic exposure mode. The photographer selects the aperture ...
Glossary of 24 photography terms for beginners - The …
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Photography Terms Glossary | Shutterfly
- Aliasing The process by which smooth curves and lines that run diagonally across the screen of a low-resolution digital file take on a jagged look as opposed to looking smooth and natural. Ambient Light The existing light in a scene provided by nature, not artificially by the photographer. Anamorphic Lens
Photography Terminology: A Glossary of 69 Essential …
- Lower numbers represent warmer colors like orange (tungsten light), whereas the higher numbers are cooler (blues). Play with the color temperature to create different effects. ND filter – Stands for neutral density filter. It’s a filter designed to go in front of the lens to block out some of the light entering the camera.
A guide to basic photography terms | Adobe
- Photography techniques and other terms. Aperture priority: A setting on cameras usually abbreviated as A or Av. Allows the photographer to set a specific aperture or f-number, and the camera will automatically choose a shutter speed and ISO to match. Useful for keeping a specific depth of field while shooting. Aspect ratio: An image’s ratio of width and height.
Photography Glossary | Photography Terms & Video Terminology …
- Nikon digital SLRs have either an FX or a DX sensor. The FX sensor, measuring 23.9 x 36mm, is roughly equivalent to the size of the 35mm film frame. The DX sensor is smaller, measuring 15.8 x 23.6mm. The FX sensor, with more "light gathering" area, …
A Glossary of 251 Most Essential Photography Terms
- Full-Frame Sensor –. A full-frame sensor is the photography term used to describe the physical dimensions of a camera sensor that measures 36mm x 24mm. This is the same size as a single frame of 35mm film. It is relevant when discussing the focal length of camera lenses and their field of view.
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