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Wandering Albatross Photography
- “The bird which made the breeze to blow,” the Wandering Albatross has the longest wingspan of any bird on the planet.
Wandering Albatross Photography
- Wandering Albatross Photography Welcome to the Wandering Albatross Photography image gallery & sales site. From here, you can view images from your event, see slide shows and order your own prints and products. My portfolio site is at If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Enjoy!
Wandering Albatross Photos and Premium High Res …
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Wandering Albatross Photography | About
- Wandering Albatross Photography | About Ginny Emery is a photographer based in Helena, Montana. With over a decade of professional photography experience, Ginny is well-versed in many types of photography including weddings, events, portraiture, marketing and journalism. Photo by Skye Hatten © Wandering Albatross Photography
Wandering Albatross | Facts, pictures & more about …
- Destinations: Bouvet Island, Antarctic Peninsula, South Georgia. Name: Wandering Albatross, Snowy Albatross, White-winged Albatross ( Diomedea exulans) Length: Up to 135 cm. Weight: 6 to 12kg. Location: All oceans except in the North Atlantic. Conservation status: Vulnerable.
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