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6 Sad and Strange Facts About Victorian Death Photography
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11 Things About Victorian-Era Photography | Futura Photo
- As weird as Victorian-era Photography may seem, here are some fun facts: Most Photos Taken Were of the Dead Due to the sheer number of diseases and death back in that time, most photos taken were of the deceased. Families took these macabre prints as the last opportunity to have a permanent image of their beloved.
Photography – The Victorian Historian
- The very first photograph of lightning, taken by studio photographer Thomas Martin Easterly in St. Louis, Missouri on June 18, 1847 at around 9:00pm. The image you see below is an 1870 copy made from the original daguerreotype, …
History of Victorian Photography
- History of Victorian photography – the very beginnings The year 1839 is regarded as the genesis of photography, although it’s a bit more complex than that. It was actually shortly before the beginning of the Victoria era, in the 1820s, that Nicéphore Niépce was able to record a view from his workroom window on paper sensitized with silver chloride.
Victorian photographic techniques - National Museums …
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In pictures: early Victorian photography | HistoryExtra
- An exhibition exploring one of the earliest forms of paper photography – salt prints – opens at Tate Britain this month, with some 90 …
6 Sad And Strange Facts About Victorian Death …
- The child mortality rates during the Victorian era was very high, thanks to diseases like smallpox and tuberculosis. Many children did not make it to the age of three. Sadly, the only photo taken of an entire family might be one with the youngest in a coffin. Brothers And Sisters Would Pose Alongside Their Deceased Siblings
Victorian Portraits: How Come No One Ever Smiled?
- In those early days of photography, exposures were long: The shortest method (the daguerreotype method) lasted 15 minutes. This was actually a major improvement from how long it took to shoot the very first photograph in 1826, which took all of eight hours to produce.
10 Mind-Blowing Photography Facts - Fstoppers
- 1. The 900-Pound Camera That Only Took One Photo George Lawrence This insane camera was part of a publicity stunt in 1900 by the Chicago & Alton Railway to photograph the Alton Limited locomotive....
52 Interesting and Fun Photography Facts
- An interesting photography facts study by Wake Forest University found that people think the left side of your face is more attractive. The reason is that the left sides of our faces exhibit more emotion. 17. The Most Expensive Camera Was Sold for $2.8 Million It was a 1923 Leica O-Series. 18. Even the Greats Manipulate Their Photos
10 Facts: Civil War Photography - American Battlefield Trust
- Fact #6: Wet-plate negatives produced a higher resolution than modern cameras. The negatives produced by the wet-plate process were usually about four inches by ten inches in size but could be even larger. This makes them 20-30 times larger than negatives produced by a 35mm camera, thus having a much higher resolution.
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