Interested in photography? At you will find all the information about Victorian Photographers List and much more about photography.
Victorian Photographers Links – LYNN'S WAFFLES
- none
Victorian Photographers Links – LYNN'S WAFFLES
- Some Victorian and Edwardian Photographers H.J.Whitlock,Birmingham Charles Preen Photographer Walter Clayton Photographer Nottingham Boak & Sons, …
Five Victorian photographers - Art Fund
- none
Photographer List - Photographers 1840 - 1940 Great Britain ...
- Animated Photographs Ltd: Ankers, W H: Anley, Charles: Annan & Skelton: Annan & Son: Annan & Swan: Annan Brothers: Annan Engraving Co: Annan, F & R: Annan, James & Son: Annan, James Craig: Annan, John: Annan, Thomas: Annan, Thomas & Robert: Annan, Thomas & Robert & Sons (Annan & Sons) Annesley, Hugh (Hon.) Anonymous photographer: Anson, George: Ansonia, A …
19th c Victorian Photographers CDV Cabinet Card …
- He is listed as a photographer in the 1865 census, age 31, living with his wife, 4 year old daughter Bessie, and 2 family members who are also listed as photographers, George F Turner, age 23 (his brother George Farrant Turner 1839–1866) and Charles Thompson age 16, we assume to be related his wife. 5 years later in the 1870 US Census at age 36, he lives in Boston …
Victorian Photographers List - Birmingham, Warks & others
- Charles JACKSON watchmaker & photographer, Castle Green, Kenilworth early 1870s Josiah JACKSON, 7 Trafalgar St., Coventry - c.1896 JACKSON & Son, -Coventry - 1890s KIMBERLY William Chapman: Verulam Place, Castle Terrace: Kenilworth - 1880s KIMBERLEY William Frederick: Castle Studio: Kenilworth - c1896 Benjamin Croydon KINSEY, 63 The Parade, …
Photography – The Victorian Historian
- On March 23, 1840, the very first photo of the moon was taken (first image below) by scientist and astronomy/photography enthusiast John Draper. It was taken from the rooftop of New York University, where he worked. The exposure time was 20 minutes. John’s son, William Draper, a doctor, also shared his father’s interest in astronomy and ...
Victorian Photographers 1840 - 1940 - carte de visite
- and still retains a nice genuine Victorian feel. Edward Reeves Of High Street, Lewes - the studio has been beautifully preserved and is still run by descendants of the original photographer Clappertons Of Galashiels - said to be substantially original. PEERS. Mr J Peers of Lower Mosley Manchester with MOSLEY his impressive camera and/or Cabinet Cards
Photographers of the 19th-Century - Visual Arts Encyclopedia
- Photographers of the 19th-Century Fine Art Photography Series Photographers of the 19th-Century Top Camera Artists, William Fox Talbot, Joseph Niepce, Louis Daguerre. Queen Victoria with Abdul Karim (1887) And dog!. Photographers: 19th-Century The Top 80 Camera Artists and Inventors Contents • Introduction
Langdon's List of 19th and 20th Century Photographers
- This site provides information about photographers active in the United States from 1844 to 1950. The information comes from city directories, business and industry directories, classified advertising, tax lists, census, published sources and photographer's marks on the images themselves. Go to Photographer Lists in the navigation bar.
Researching Historical Photographers - RPS
- RPS Historical Group photographer listings Abingdon1863-1909 Altrincham and Sale 1860-1939 Bath 1841-1910 Birmingham1842-1914 Bradford 1843-1900 (Including Bingley, Shipley and Baildon) Brighton 1841-1910 Cardiff 1855-1920 Cheltenham 1841-1914 Cheshire 1849-1940 Colchester and North Essex 1845-1931 Devon 1842-1939 Dorset 1855-1920
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