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Photographs as a Research Tool in Child Studies: Some Analytical …
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Using Photographs in Research with Children - SAGE Research …
- Using Photographs in Research with Children. Michelle Cottle explores photographic interviews as a means of conducting ethnographic research. Cottle also examines issues of consent when using visual methods with children. Also from SAGE Publishing.
Photographs as a Research Tool in Child Studies: …
- 2004; Rasmussen, 2004 ). In short, photographs, as produced and consumed in the majority of. contexts in which contemporary children and …
Photographs as a Research Tool in Child Studies: Some …
- photographs in research with children. There is a growing awareness that children can be active agents in research rather than objects of research (e.g. Cappello, 2005; James, Jenks, & Prout, 1998; Mauthner, 1997; Mayall, 2000). This requires, however, adjustments of …
Using photographs in research with children. - Franklin
- Children -- Research -- Methodology. Interviewing -- Methodology. Language: Closed-captions in English. Summary: Michelle Cottle explores photographic interviews as a means of conducting ethnographic research. Cottle also examines issues of consent when using visual methods with children. Participant: Commentator: Michelle Cottle. Notes:
Photographs: Meaningful uses in early education and care
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Using Children’s Photography in Early Childhood Mathematics …
- In this case study, I focus on the use of children’s photography as a research method to elicit children’s experiences and understandings. The case shares both the strengths and challenges of using this method, giving examples from the PhD study. Although the PhD study focused on mathematics specifically, children’s photography is a ...
Auto-driven Photo Elicitation Interviews in Research with Children ...
- Giving children the opportunity to use arts-based research approaches can support their participation in research and create a bridge that enables them to express their perspectives and feelings. This paper focuses on the ethical and practical considerations when using photo elicitation interviews (PEI) in research with children.
A Qualitative Interview With Young Children: What Encourages or ...
- The trained interviewers collected the data in three steps: (1) Inside their kindergarten and in the outdoor yard, each child was asked to take two photos: first, of risk (“What in your opinion places children at risk [danger]?”) and later, of protection (“What protects [defends] children, what makes children feel safe, secure or protected?”).
Recognising the Ethical Implications of the Use of …
- photography and photographs. Photographs have been used in early childhood educational environments as a device to reflect upon pedagogy and also for ‘authentic’ assessment of child outcomes. Photographs are used primarily because they offer stakeholders the opportunity to
Using Photography as a Creative, Collaborative Research Tool
- Using Photography as a Creative, Collaborative Research Tool . Abstract . Drawing on debates in the complementary fields of participatory, youth and visual research methods, the paper discusses an experimental photography project carried out as part of a broader study with young people in Mexico City on spatial experience, belonging and exclusion.
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