Interested in photography? At you will find all the information about Tva Historic Photographs and much more about photography.
TVA Historic Photograph Collection
- TVA Historic Photograph Collection Photographers were on the job from the from the earliest days of TVA, helping to capture the agency's work—and the cultural changes it wrought—on film. TVA has a collection of over 20,000 black-and-white negatives (8x10, 5x7, 4x5 and 2x2), and over 5,000 8x10 original file prints.
TVA Historical Photos
- Historical Photos; Currents of Change History Lessons; TVA STEM Ready; Educational Resources; Home ; TVA Kids ; Educational Resources ; TVA Historical Photos; TVA Historical Photos. These photos are free to download …
TVA historic collection | Flickr
- TVA historic collection The photos contained here are from the TVA archives. Any caption information provided is taken directly from the original scanned …
WPA/TVA Archaeology Photographs | Digital Collections
- WPA/TVA Archaeology Photographs. The University of Tennessee McClung Museum of Natural History and Culture, and the Libraries received a two-year grant from the Institute for Museum and Library Services to create an on-line database of information describing photographs taken by Works Progress Administration (WPA) workers of archaeological projects conducted in …
National Archives at Atlanta
- November 3, 1936. View. Photographing the. Tennessee Valley. TVA photographers have taken over one million photographs chronicling all aspects of life in the Tennessee Valley. From the clearing of the land to the building of the …
TVA History
- This act of Congress created the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), a federal corporation. The new agency was asked to tackle important problems facing the Valley, such as flooding, providing electricity to homes and businesses and replanting forests. ... View/download historical photos of TVA & life in the Valley. Download TVA: Our History ...
Records of the Tennessee Valley Authority [TVA]
- Motion Pictures: The Story of the Tennessee Valley Authority and How It All Began at Muscle Shoals, documenting the early history of TVA, 1936-37 (5 reels). TVA, reviewing the history of the Tennessee Valley and illustrating the improvements brought about by TVA, 1940 (2 reels). Educational and promotional films depicting environmental issues, health and safety …
TVA History - Facts, Timeline & Meaning - HISTORY
- Contents. The TVA, or Tennessee Valley Authority, was established in 1933 as one of President Roosevelt’s Depression-era New Deal programs, providing jobs and electricity to the rural Tennessee ...
Classic TVA Pictures |
- TENNESSEE VALLEY, (WHNT) – WHNT News 19 was able to get some classic pictures from TVA’s history. All photos courtesy TVA:
Tennessee Virtual Archive (TeVA)
- at Tennessee Photographs Celebrate 225 years of statehood with images collected from communities across the state. All Collections 19th Century Agricultural Resources 19th Century Native American Prints Alvin C. York Andrew Jackson Collection Andrew Johnson Collection Beautiful Jim Key Collection Bernhardt Wall Etchings
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