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Shoot Turkeys Year-Round…with a Camera
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Travel Photography Tips for Turkey
- Region Specific Travel Photography Tips for Turkey. 1: Some Turkish people do not like to be the subject of photographs. Ask politely first and if they do say …
Shoot Turkeys Year-Round…with a Camera - National Wild …
- Tips for Taking a Good Photograph. Sunlight provides good lighting and brings out a turkey’s iridescence feathers; Place a bird a little off-center for a more pleasing picture; Give the bird lead room, more distance in …
How to take incredible Turkey Kill Photos - by
- The best part of taking a perfect turkey photo is that everything you need - you already own. At the very least, they are easy to get. You need a hammer, two common nails, an 18-20" tall round log that's 12-15" in diameter, and two small …
Turkey Day Photo Tips | Learn Photography by Zoner …
- Use a zoom lens with a wide aperture and fast ISO as you’re looking to capture some joy and laughter as the turkey is carved rather than a standard “everybody smile” shot. Using a step ladder to really fill the frame if you need to is a great idea and that vantage point will provide a different composition as well, taking you away from the side-by-side look so many …
Take Better Turkey Photos | Outdoor Life
- A few basic tips for better Turkey photos. 1. Choose your background carefully: Photos taken next to trucks almost never turn out well. Instead, take some time to set up your shot. Hunter and turkey displayed on a log is a great shot. Always look for a background outdoors that is pleasing. Make sure clutter such as buildings and vehicles are ...
Preparation Techniques for Photographing Wild Turkeys
- For the ideal blind location for photographing wild turkeys, you should find a vantage point where you can see the entire field. There should be thick background cover so you blend into the surroundings. Doug shows you how to build a natural blind out of the vegetation. The birds might scatter if they spot an artificial blind.
Techniques for Photographing Eastern Wild Turkeys
- The best times to photograph wild turkeys are early morning and late afternoon. After photographing these elusive birds in the dawn hours, professional wildlife photographer Doug Gardner gives you tips on shooting in afternoon light. Hours before the turkeys return to their roost, he sets out a decoy 50 feet from his shooting location. Then,…
Turkey: a photographer's guide | Intrepid Travel Blog - The …
- So we got in touch with our expert Intrepid photographer, Drew Dunlop, who recently returned from a trip to Turkey, and asked him how travellers can best prepare themselves for capturing Turkey through the lens. After all, we reckon Turkey is one of the most photogenic countries in the world. It seemed like a good place to start.
10 Great Tips for Taking Better Thanksgiving Photography
- Set up your scenes and think about how you’ll approach post-processing. It will be most helpful to bring a zoom lens like a 24-105. You’ll take wide-angle shots but also close-ups or detail shots of the food. Be sure to clean your lenses, double check your camera bag to make sure you’ve brought everything. Bring extra memory cards as a backup.
10 Places For Photography In Turkey One Must Visit In …
- Now without any further delay, let’s get started with the list of best places for photography in Turkey. Istanbul Cappadocia Pamukkale Antalya Oludeniz Cirali Myra Efes Basilica Cistern Chora Church 1. Istanbul Image Credit: Pedro Szekely by Flickr This is perhaps the best place in Turkey where you can click great photographs.
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