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Topics in Photographic Preservation Topics in Photographic Preservation ...
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Topics in Photographic Preservation
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Preserving Photographs | Association for Library Collections ...
- Store paper items in a clean storage area where you can keep the temperature and relative humidity (RH) moderate and stable. 68 degrees Farenheit or less and between 30-40%. Lower temperature is best for color photos. High (RH) and temperature speed decay; low humidity can crack, peel, or curl photos. Provide good air circulation.
Fundamentals of Photograph Preservation — NEDCC
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Preservation of Photographs and Photograph Collections
- Preservation of Photographs and Photograph Collections (2008–2017) The GCI engaged in a number of educational activities that aimed to advance the preservation of photographs and photograph collections in underserved areas …
Topics in Photographic Preservation
- Topics in Photographic Preservation 2011, Volume 14, Article 19 (pp. 122-136) The Preservation of Panoramas at Harvard University Elena Bulat and Brenda Bernier. Presented at the 2011 PMG Winter Meeting in Ottawa, Canada. Abstract. Panoramic photographs traditionally pose storage and access challenges for libraries and archives.
Topics in Photographic Preservation - Resources
- Topics in Photographic Preservation 2005, Volume 11, Article 11 (pp. 85-94) ... ‘Preliminary testing of adhesives used in photograph conservation.’ Topics in Photographic Conservation, vol. 3, American Institute for Conservation, Photographic Materials Group, U.S.A. (1989): 52–61.
Art 4941 Special Topics: Photography & Preservation
- Art 4941 Special Topics: Photography & Preservation. This course examines the history of preservation through photography and landscape architecture, looking at its relationships to social works projects. In the tradition of the FSA photographers, Timothy O’Sullivan, and Eugene Atget’s Old Paris preservation works, this class researches and photographs specific …
Preservation of Photographs and Photograph Collections
- The GCI continued its work in the region with Advanced Topics in Photograph Conservation, a series of of specialized workshops for conservators in the region that ran from 2013 until 2015. In the Middle East and North Africa, the GCI is collaborating with several partners on the Middle East Photograph Preservation Initiative (MEPPI). This multi-faceted initiative includes a survey of …
Topics in Photographic Preservation - Resources
- Topics in Photographic Preservation 2009, Volume 13, Article 21 (pp. 147-159) A Case for Preservation: Revisiting the Agassiz Collection of Daguerreotypes from the Peabody Museum Archives at Harvard University Elena Bulat, India Spartz, Brenda Bernier, and T. Rose Holdcraft. Presented at the 2009 PMG Winter Meeting in Tucson, Arizona. Abstract
Topics in Photographic Preservation - Resources
- Topics in Photographic Preservation 5, American Institute for Conservation, Meeting of the Photographic Materials Group, Austin: 60–72. Moor, I. and A. Moor. 1990. Atlantis Silversafe Photostore - a suitable paper for photographic conservation.
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