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Touching Souls Services -
- Touching Souls Photography is available to any family in need at no charge to them or the hospital. ... Todd Hochberg Contact Touching Souls or Todd Hochberg toll free 888.818.8908 Touching Souls Photography PO Box 5511 Evanston, IL 60204 Caregivers.
Welcome to Touching Souls
- PBS Media Coverage. WTTW Chicago Tonight story. At the heart of it all, what matters most is: Who has touched our lives and. Whose lives we've touched. In Your Eyes: Caregivers’ Role in Bereavement Photography. Hands-on Photography Workshop. Please also see Legacy Work at
About Touching Souls
- About Touching Souls. “Unflinching in their realism, yet transcendent in their intent, Hochberg's visual meditations on perinatal loss do more than chronicle a tragic death. They also affirm a life, conferring full personhood on both his tiny subjects and those who hold them in their arms and hearts. Hochberg uses his lens to preserve a ...
See Touching Souls -
- See Touching Souls. I am grateful to these families for understanding the value of sharing their photographs and for graciously allowing me to present them in this manner. The images are about the love, courage and truth I find in these sacred moments. However, as they may be difficult for some people to view, I respectfully suggest you take ...
Owner/Photographer - Todd Hochberg Photography
- Todd Hochberg is a documentary photographer. Working in conjunction with hospital bereavement programs, palliative care programs, hospices and directly with individuals, he …
In Your Eyes; The Caregiver and Bereavement Photography
- By Todd Hochberg. A bereft mother and father sit side by side, tenderly cradling their dead baby in their arms. A photographer, present at their request, opens and closes the shutter of his camera, capturing and infusing the energy of the moment on to a light sensitized silver-coated copper plate. One hundred and forty years after that ...
Todd Hochberg: Touching Souls Bereavement Photography
- Todd Hochberg the creator of Touching Souls Bereavement Photography takes photographs of end of life of babies and children. Tags: grief, hope. Dr. Gloria and Dr. Heidi Horsley. Dr. Gloria Horsley and Dr. Heidi Horsley are a mother/daughter team and internationally recognized grief experts. They are the founders of The Open to Hope Foundation ...
CV -
- Todd Hochberg Todd Hochberg Photography Professional Organizations: Pregnancy Loss and Infant Death Alliance (PLIDA) ... Santa Fe Center for Photography web journal- May 2003 ADEC’s journal The Forum - May 2003 SHARE’s professional newsletter Caring Notes – Fourth Quarter 2003 ...
Stillbirth Photography: What Losing a Child Means for …
- February 18, 2020. Since 1997, Todd Hochberg has been going to hospitals to photograph families after the death of a baby. These requests come at all times of day and night—more often at night ...
Infant Loss Awareness Day: Bereavement photos | CNN
- Remembrance photography is offered to families to help cope with the grief of a lost baby. Todd Hochberg is a pioneer in the field of perinatal bereavement photography. Do not equate the baby's ...
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