Interested in photography? At you will find all the information about The Societies Photographic Convention and much more about photography.
The Societies London Photo Convention & Trade Show
- The Societies of Photographers 2023 London Photo Convention & Trade Show All photographers, from professionals to enthusiasts, are welcome to attend our Convention and/or Trade Show. The Societies of Photographers 2023 Convention Put the dates in your diary now! Full Convention: Wednesday 15th – Saturday 18th March 2023
The Societies of Photographers – Helping photographers …
- The Society of International Media and Press Photographers (SIMPP) is a Photographic Association who has members who provide excellence in visual journalism. This includes images of current affairs and imagery commissioned to be included in publications such as newspapers and magazines.
Competitions - The Societies of Photographers | International ...
- none
Monthly Image Competition - The Societies of …
- Helping photographers improve their photography and build their business. Welcome and open to all worldwide. The Societies of Photographers is a long-established association for photographers, for full-time and aspiring photographers all around the world. We are one of the UK’s leading qualifying bodies for photographers.
The Societies’ Photographer of the Year 2020
- Helping photographers improve their photography and build their business. Welcome and open to all worldwide. The Societies of Photographers is a long-established association for photographers, for full-time and aspiring photographers all around the world. We are one of the UK’s leading qualifying bodies for photographers.
The Societies of Photographers 2022 London Photo …
- Event description. London Photo Trade Show 2022 - Meet over 100 photographic exhibitors at the Societies 2022 London Photo Trade Show and Convention. About this event. Europe's Largest All-welcome Photographic Convention. All the latest photographic equipment, products and services will be on show, and attendees will be able to watch demonstrations from leading …
The Societies of Photographers 2021′ Trade Awards
- The Societies of Photographers 2021′ Trade Awards. Your vote counts, and you could win a Full 4 Day Masterclass Pass to The Societies of Photographers 2022 London Photo Convention! (worth up to £250)! All completed forms will be entered in to the prize draw and the winner will be announced after the 31 January 2022.
Login - The Societies' Monthly Image Competition
- By uploading and entering in to The Societies' Monthly Competition, You agree to have read and fully understood the Rules of the Competition and Category Definitions. Having trouble uploading? Check out the How to Successfully Upload Your Images to the Monthly Competition thread on our member's forum. Tweet. 2022 Monthly Image Competition Results.
Society for Photographic Education
- The Society for Photographic Education (SPE) is a national non-profit organization that seeks to promote a wider understanding of photography in all of its forms and to foster the development of its practice, teaching, scholarship and critical analysis.
National Photographic Association of the United States
- Conferences occurred annually, beginning in June 1869, with the "National Photographic Association Exposition and Convention" held in Boston. Its purpose was "to keep the public informed as to progress of photography, [to share] amongst photographers a knowledge of the improvements that are made both here and abroad, and to excite ... a taste for the new art.
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