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The Social Photo: On Photography and Social Media …
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The Social Photo: On Photography and Social Media: …
- The Social Photo: On Photography and Social Media Paperback – July 21, 2020 by Nathan Jurgenson (Author) 59 ratings Kindle $9.99 Read with Our Free App Hardcover $16.54 26 Used from $1.89 15 New from $8.62 Paperback $14.95 15 Used from $7.29 19 New from $9.18 A set of bold theoretical reflections on how the social photo has remade our world.
The Social Photo: On Photography and Social Media
- In the The Social Photograph: On Photography and Social Media, Nathan Jurgenson aims to offer fresh ways to think about photography shared on social apps such as Instagram and Facebook. Incredibly ambitious in scope, the project addresses everything from the popularity of the selfie to the history of vintage filters.
The Social Photo : On Photography and Social Media
- A set of bold theoretical reflections on how the social photo has remade our world.With the rise of the smart phone and social media, cameras have become ubiquitous, infiltrating nearly every aspect of social life. The glowing camera screen is the lens through which many of seek to communicate our experience. But our thinking about photography has been slow to catch-up; …
The Social Photo: On Photography and Social Media
- The Social Photo: On Photography and Social Media - Ebook written by Nathan Jurgenson. Read this book using Google Play Books app on your PC, android, iOS devices. Download for offline reading, highlight, bookmark or take notes while you read The Social Photo: On …
The Social Photo : On Photography and Social Media
- The Social Photo: On Photography and Social Media Nathan Jurgenson Verso Books, Apr 30, 2019 - Photography - 144 pages 1 Review With the rise of the smart phone and social media, cameras have...
Review: The Social Photo: On Photography and Social …
- Jurgenson crystallizes a working definition of the “social photo” that works against the widespread dismissal of contemporary media culture as socially invalid and inauthentic. It also delineates the replacement of photographic nostalgia with ephemerality and reconsiders documentary vision in light of the social media feed.
The social photo : on photography and social media in …
- In The Social Photo, social theorist Nathan Jurgenson develops bold new ways of understanding the transformations wrought by these image-making and sharing technologies and the cultural objects they have ushered in: the selfie, the faux-vintage photo, the …
Review of The Social Photo: On Photography and Social …
- the social photo is broken up into two main sections: the first places the contemporary photo and the rise of social media photography apps like hipstamatic, instagram and snapchat into a longer history of photographic technologies, stretching back to the mid 1800s; the second half of the text expands and critiques the discursive frameworks that …
How the ‘Social Photo’ Transformed Our Experience of Reality
- in the social photo: on photography and social media (2019, verso), sociologist, media theorist, and snapchat guru nathan jurgenson argues that this surfeit of images has ushered in a new way of seeing and existing in the world through our camera phones – one which no longer values the documentary function of photographs, but instead prizes their …
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