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Last Empire Photography In British India: Worswick, Clark ...
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The Last Empire: Photography in British India 1855-1911
- The Last Empire: Photography in British India 1855-1911. "The Last Empire" comprises the first known photographs of the Himalayas, British colonial troops, Asian landscapes, and native princes from collections throughout the world.
The Last Empire : photography in British India, 1855-1911
- The Last Empire : photography in British India, 1855-1911. Publication date 1976 Topics India -- History -- 1765-1947 -- Pictorial works Publisher London : G. Fraser Collection inlibrary; printdisabled; trent_university; internetarchivebooks Digitizing sponsor Kahle/Austin Foundation Contributor Internet Archive
The Last Empire: Photography In British India, 1855-1911
- The Last Empire: Photography In British India, 1855-1911 by Clark Worswick; Ainslie Embree; The Earl Mountbatten of Burma (Preface)
The Last Empire: Photography In British India, 1855-1911
- The Last Empire: Photography In British India, 1855-1911. Published by Aperture. Essays by Ainslie Embree and Clark Worswick. Preface by The Earl of Mountbatter. The Last Empire comprises the first known photographs of the Himalayas, British colonial troops, Asian landscapes, and native princes from collections throughout the world.
The last empire: Photography in British India, 1855–1911.
- The last empire: Photography in British India, 1855–1911. Preface by The Earl Mountbatten of Burma. With texts by Clark Worswick and Ainslee Embree. pp. viii, 146, 4. London, Gordon Fraser, 1976. £9.95. Published online by Cambridge University Press: 15 March 2011. Simon Digby. Article. Article. Metrics.
The Last Empire: Photography in British India 1855-1911 …
- Title: The Last Empire: Photography in British India, 1855-1911 Author: Clark Worswick and Ainslie Embree First Edition Second Printing Softcover Pre owned book from historical books and documents collectors private estate. Many books show signs of …
The Last Empire: Photography in British India, 1855-1911
- About the author (1976) Clark Worswick is a photographic historian and a photography collector. He is presently Consulting Curator of Photography at the Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, Massachusetts....
The Last Empire: Photography in British India, 1855-1911
- Buy The Last Empire: Photography in British India, 1855-1911 by Earl Mountbatten of Burma (Preface by), Ainslie T Embree (Text by), Clark Worswick (Text by) online at Alibris. We have new and used copies available, in 1 editions - starting at $13.98. Shop now.
The Last Empire : Photography in British India, 1855-1911
- The Last Empire : Photography in British India, 1855-1911. Jim Masselos and Naryani Gupta. Ravi Dayal, Delhi, 2000. Clark Worswick and Ainslee Embree. Aperture, 1991, 1st ed. 1972. Clark Worswick was one of the first writers on British Indian photography, and while the historical information here is limited, the selection of photographs is the best of any such book.
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