Interested in photography? At you will find all the information about Terry Ownby Photographer and much more about photography.
Terry Ownby | Atomic Photographers Guild
- Terry Ownby is associate professor of photo media, photo history, and visual culture at Idaho State University, USA. He holds a PhD in visual media studies, MA in media communication, and a BS in media/photography. His photography has been exhibited on the west and east coasts, along with numerous venues in the heartland.
Terry Ownby Photography
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About | Terry Ownby
- Terry Ownby still + motion I'm a visual storyteller: filmmaker - director - photographer. As a visual storyteller, I've mainly worked in editorial journalism, advertising, corporate, and documentary.
about - Atomic Light
- I'm a visual storyteller: filmmaker - director - photographer. As a visual storyteller, I've mainly worked in editorial and military journalism, advertising, corporate, and documentary. As a multiple ADDY Award winning image-maker, my work takes me on location or keeps me in the studio. My client roster includes names you may recognize:
Terry Ownby Photographs Displayed in New York City
- Terry Ownby, associate professor in the Department of Communication, Media, and Persuasion, is one of 15 artists whose work is displayed at the Shiva Gallery in New York City. The exhibit is titled "Apocalypse: Then and Now" and the photographs "reflects sinister omens for the future as seen in our daily life and reported news.
ISU Professor Terry Ownby accepted into Atomic Photographers …
- ISU Professor Terry Ownby accepted into Atomic Photographers Guild. February 23, 2017 "Gulf-09 and Multi-Colored Beehives" by Terry Ownby POCATELLO – Terry Ownby, Idaho State University associate professor of photo media, was recently accepted into the Atomic Photographers Guild (APG), an international collective of more than 30 artists dedicated to …
faculty_and_staff | Idaho State University
- Terry Ownby. Professor. Office: Frazier 416 (208) 282-6453. Education: BS, Media + Photography + Geography, Missouri State University; MA, Media Communication, Webster University-Saint Louis; PhD, Visual Media Studies, Colorado State University-Fort Collins
Terry Ownby, PhD | Idaho State University -
- by Terry Ownby, PhD This article explores the lives of two Southern photographers and how their lives became intertwined along the Gulf Coast of Alabama. Their story delineates a 90+ year legacy spanning both the 19th and 20th centuries. Research Interests: Southern Studies (U.S. South), Southern History, and History of photography Download (.pdf)
Terry Ownby, PhD - Colorado State University - LinkedIn
- Terry Ownby, PhD Professor of Visual Media at Idaho State U. Director/Producer at Atomic Light Productions Pocatello, Idaho, United States 109 connections
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