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Photography Laws
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Photographic Policy - Tennessee
- Photographic Policy • Non-flash photography for personal or educational use is permitted in all exhibit areas in the Tennessee State Museum... • Use of tripods must receive prior museum approval. Contact the media relations office at • Photography by the news media is always ...
2010 Tennessee Code :: Title 39 - Criminal Offenses
- 39-13-605 - Unlawful photographing in violation of privacy. 39-13-605. Unlawful photographing in violation of privacy. (a) It is an offense for a person to knowingly photograph, or cause to be photographed an individual, when the individual is in a place where there is a reasonable expectation of privacy, without the prior effective consent of the individual, or in the case of a …
Photography - Tennessee State Government
- We also have thousands of images, covering hundreds of subjects in all areas of our state, that are used to promote services to citizens of Tennessee. Click here to view images. For more information contact Photographic Services at 615-741-5487 or email
New Tennessee law makes ‘offensive’ nonconsensual …
- NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WKRN) — New legislation is aimed at those who take “embarrassing” or “offensive” photos of others without their consent and for sexual arousal or gratification purposes. Courts...
Tennessee Bill to Make ‘Offensive’ Nonconsensual …
- At present, the state law says that anyone out in public (even at such places as a gas station or supermarket) has no reasonable expectation of privacy, and as such nonconsensual photography is not...
Photography in Tennessee State Parks
- Tennessee State Parks support the efforts of photographers and videographers looking for ways to express themselves through visual mediums. General Information. The following are a few things to note about photography in state parks and natural areas: Recreational/amateur photography is generally allowed.
Tennessee Code 39-13-605 - Putting the law at your fingertips
- In addition to the punishment provided for a person who commits the misdemeanor unlawful photographing in violation of privacy, the trial judge may order, after taking into account the facts and circumstances surrounding the offense, including the offense for which the person was originally charged and whether the conviction was the result of a plea bargain agreement, that …
Tennessee Recording Law | Digital Media Law Project
- Tennessee law permits the use of still photography and audio and video recording devices in "any trial, hearing, argument on appeal, or other matter held in open court that the public is entittled to attend." Tenn. Sup. Ct. R. 30 (B) (3). Consent of the parties is not required except for juvenile court proceedings.
Street Photography Laws (Know Your Rights in Each …
- If you’re heading out to do some photography, you need to stay on public property. The main streets of cities and towns are for public use, so you’re free to shoot photos. Roads and parks will also be publicly owned. Photographing people is not permitted on private property. You can’t take your camera onto a private estate and start snapping away.
Photography Laws
- Photography Laws (1) A person who knowingly takes a photograph of another person’s intimate parts, as defined in section 18-3-401 (2),... (2) Criminal invasion of privacy is a class 2 misdemeanor. (3) For the purposes of this section, “photograph” includes a photograph, motion picture, videotape, ...
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