Interested in photography? At you will find all the information about Tds Applicable On Photography and much more about photography.
Regarding TDS on Photography [Resolved] | Accounts
- none
TDS on Photographer payment [Resolved] | Income Tax
- TDS on Photographer payment. 05 January 2010 In case of print media fixed amount paid to Photographers. My query is under which section (under 194c or 194j) tds should be deducted. 06 January 2010 If the payment is made to a professional photographer then deduction has to be made under section 194 j, as otherwise payment would amount to a …
TDS on Photography Services [Resolved] | Income Tax
- TDS on Photography Services. 20 January 2020 Our company is taking photography services for printing brochures of the company. The work of a photographer is to click photo and edit to the some extent and give photos to …
Regarding TDS on Photography [Resolved] | Accounts
- Regarding TDS on Photography. Pl go through the definition of the terms professional service/fees for technical services/royalty to find out whether the services rendered is covered. Photography is not covered in the term professional services as per the definition and hence the tdsis to be at 194c rates only.
TDS Applicable on Photo-shoot [Resolved] | Income Tax
- TDS Applicable on Photo-shoot. 30 October 2019 In my Opinion, TDS To be deducted U/s 194 J because it includes expertise knowledge to perform these activities. You need to be the querist or approved CAclub expert to take part in this query .
TDS for photography [Resolved] | Income Tax - CAclubindia
- TDS for photography. Does payment for photography come under the purview of TDS? If yes, under which Sec? 01 October 2008 agreed priya it is a work contract u/s 194C. one more thing is that the payment or credit should be more than 50000 in a year or single invoice would exceeds Rs. 20000/- u/s 194C,then it will be liable for TDS.
Tds on videography / photography services - Income Tax | TDS
- Is TDS applicable on Videography Photography services under which section - Income Tax TDS. Is TDS applicable on Videography Photography services under which section - Income Tax TDS ... Hence TDS rate will be applicable: Individual / HUF : @ 1%. Others : @ 2%. Without PAN : @ 20%. Accountant Trivandrum (2 Points) Replied 06 March 2022.
What is tds rate on photography service? - Answers
- The TDS rate on any Photography service is 10%. This tax amount is required to be deducted at the source.
tds on digital photo shoot [Resolved] | Income Tax - CAclubindia
- tds on digital photo shoot. 23 March 2009 whether TDs on digital photo shoot will be categorised under contractor or professional services? what should be the rate and under which category? 23 March 2009 It is a service contract. 194C is attracted. Rate is 2% plus applicable surcharge and Cess.
Are photography services taxable? | The Jotform Blog
- The owner of the business collecting this tax must then pay this tax to the government at a specific time. Income tax, on the other hand, is paid on the income you earn as a professional. If you’re a photographer, you’ll have to pay a certain percentage of your income as income tax; the amount will depend on the state where you live.
Rcm on photographer - GST - CAclubindia
- Rcm is not applicable on photography services 1 Like. jasmeet singh (207 Points) Replied 17 June 2020. Sir please tell me one more thing ,in income tax if his income above the basic limit .he is required to maintain books of accounts? prasad Nilugal (3897 Points) Replied 17 June 2020. Please refer notification 13 dated (CT) dated 13/6/2017 RCM ...
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