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Photography — Takashi Kawashima
- Photography. August 10, 2010. From my residency at Djerassi Resident Artists Program.
Juxtapoz Magazine - the photography of takashi …
- Takashi Kawashima is a Tokyo-based photographer who creates images that have ethereal, mysterious and captivating qualities drawing viewers in for further explanation. Kawashima envisions a world absent of humans, post-catastrophic, inspired and informed by numerous natural disasters that have affected Japan in recent yearss
photography — Portfolio — Takashi Kawashima
- Takashi Kawashima. Product Designer / Interactive Designer. About me; Portfolio; Experience; Artist Resume; Sandbox @Medium; Photography. August 10, 2010. Read More. In photography Tags personal work. Ordinary View in the City of Angeles. June 1, 2007. Read More. In media art, photography Tags personal work ...
Takashi Kawashima
- I am Takashi Kawashima. I'm an interactive designer, creative director. I create product & marketing concepts, craft user interfaces & experiences, and design how they work. Currently I'm based in Tokyo working as a freelance designer, previously Brand Studio and Data Arts team at Google. I also make media art , and enjoy taking photographs.
Portfolio — Takashi Kawashima
- Exhibited November 6-11, 2005 at Institute of Contemporary Arts Singapore as part of * Presence/Absence, ACM Multimedia 2005. Presented March 19, 2006 in Basel, Switzerland as part of the 25th Viper International Festival. Presented …
Takashi Kawashima - artist, news & exhibitions - photography …
- Contacts for the work of Takashi Kawashima; Takashi Kawashima Tokyo. Group exhibitions of Takashi Kawashima; Deutsche Börse DE. ... 20 young artists shaping the future of photography . Florian Amoser Valentine Bo He Bo Maisie Cousins Sylvain Couzinet-Jacques … (15) Jalan & Jibril Durimel Sophie ...
Takashi Kawashima Photography overview. Contact information, …
- Takashi Kawashima Photography is a company working in the field of Photographic activities, located in the city of Amstelveen, NL. Join Sales.Rocks to get direct reach of decision makers, 200M+ Contact and 115M+ Company records
Takashi Kawashima: Transcending the Real, Digital Alchemy
- – Takashi Kawashima In Unfinished Topography / Collection, the ethereal photographs of Takashi Kawashima exist in another world. A world imagined as post catastrophe, devoid of humans. It is a world having succumbed to earthquakes, volcanoes and tsunamis; the natural disasters that wrench us unforgivingly from our precarious place on the earth.
Takashi Kawashima – Pictures for Purpose
- Takashi Kawashima – Pictures for Purpose Takashi KawashimaA Crater Lake #001 from the series of ”Unfinished Topography / Collection”, 2015Print size: 22 x 32 cm including white border “This work is part of a series made in Japan between 2011 and 2015, the starting point for which was the idea that ‘photographs begin with catastrophe’.
Takeshi Kawashima
- When a young Japanese artist named Takeshi Kawashima moved to New York in 1963, he was already known back home for his bold abstract paintings of emblematic shapes encased within regular grids. These two color works, which generally involve sets of suggestive organic forms painted on flat grounds, vary in intricacy and internal definition.
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