Interested in photography? At you will find all the information about Stressed Syllable In Photograph and much more about photography.
Mark the stress in the following words: photographer, photography ...
- none
What is the stressed syllable in photography? - Answers
- Where is the stressed syllable in the word photography? Tog. What is a stressed syllable for potato? The second syllable (-ta-) is the stressed syllable in potato.
Where is the stressed syllable in photography? - FOTO SPACE
- The stress is on the second syllable. photography = pho-TOG'-raph-y. The same as photographer; the stress is on the second syllable.
How many syllables in photograph?
- What rhymes with photograph. 3 syllables. allograph hear the syllables in allograph. barograph hear the syllables in barograph. cenotaph hear the syllables in cenotaph. circle graph hear the syllables in circle graph. epigraph hear the syllables in …
‘Photograph’, ‘photographer’, and ‘photographic’
- To make the confusion complete, the stress in the word photographic, pronounced / ˌfəʊtəˈgræfɪk / (fəu-tə- græf -ik) (UK), / ˌfoʊtəˈgræfɪk / (foh-tə- græf -ik) (US), is on the third syllable.
What Is The Stressed Syllable In The Word Photography
- If a give-and-take ends in -al, -cy, -ty, -phy, or -gy, the stress falls on the 3rd from the last syllable. For example: geneOLogy, LOgical, phoTOGraphy. If a word ends in -ic, -sion, or -tion, the stress usually falls on the next to last syllable. For example: attraction, FUsion, BASic.
How come 'photograph' and 'photographic' have stress on …
- What is the stressed syllable in 'photographer'? The stress in the word “photOgrapher” is on the letter “O”, which is the fourth letter in the word. The stress is on the same letter also in the word “photOgraphy” but in the word “phOtograph”, the stress is on the first “o”. Neil Turner , English monoglot with phrase books
Mark the stress in the following words: photographer, …
- photographer = pho-TOG'-raph-er. The stress is on the second syllable. photography = pho-TOG'-raph-y. The same as photographer; the stress is on the second syllable. conduct (verb) = con-DUCT'.
Where is the stress syllable on the word photographer? - Answers
- Where is the stress syllable in the word photograph? The stress falls on the first syllable "pho-"
How many syllables in photography?
- How many syllables in photography? 7 4 2 8 5 1 3 9 6 syllables. Divide photography into syllables: pho-tog-ra-phy Stressed syllable in photography: pho-tog-ra-phy How to pronounce photography: fuh-tog-ruh-fee How to say photography: photography syllables. Cite This Source. Wondering why photography is 7 4 2 8 5 1 3 9 6 syllables? Contact Us! We'll explain.
Stressed and Unstressed Syllables: 4 Methods To Spot …
- Method 1: Listen To the Frequency. If you listen really really really closely you will hear that the stressed syllables have higher pitches. To demonstrate I have picked a word that this phenomenon is very easy to see: Prepare. Now before you mix your pre-‘s and your -pare’s, you need to clean your palate.
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