Interested in photography? At you will find all the information about Sprint Photographic Chemisry and much more about photography.
Sprint Systems of Photography
- Sprint Systems of Photography 800-356-5073. Telephone Phone: 401.597.5790 Fax: 401.597.5791. Email Emergency Response Chem Tel: 800.255.3924
- SPRINT CHEMIE has a wide variety of products including Gravure, Flexo, Offset, News and UV inks. We offer customised product to make SPRINT CHEMIE as a one point solution for all your application or processing needs, our experts can help you resolve issues, improve productivity and deliver value to your customers.
Sprint Chemistry: reasons not to use it | …
- 20 minutes of washing for prints and films has been a "standard" for decades. it is not something sprint invented or has been suggested for their chemistry. you want to wash for less, do a residual chemistry test as suggested earlier. i know somepeople who wash their prints for hours not minutes. ... 20mins isn't very long...
Sprint chemistry | Photography Forums
- I have just started to use sprint chemistry and have had great results so far. All of it is extremely easy to use liquid chemistry with mixing ratios that are easy enough to remember. The D76 1+1 equivilent developer has given me very consistent results, the rapid fixer is cheap and seems to last a long time (testing with edwal fixer test).
"Sprint" chemistry | Photography Forums
- Does anybody have experience proccessing film, and printing with Sprint chemistry? I think I'd like to stay with T-Max Dev. for film, and Polymax Dev. for the Polymax paper, but I'd love to use something other than the strong odored Kodak Indicator Stop Bath (film and paper), and Rapid Fixer (film), and Sprint makes an odorless fixer, and vanilla scented …
Sprint Systems of Photography - Home - Facebook
- Sprint Systems of Photography. 568 likes · 2 talking about this. Sprint Systems is a company that is dedicated to making the best black-and-white photography chemicals available.
"Sprint" chemistry
- Does anybody have experience proccessing film, and printing with Sprint chemistr y? I think I'd like to stay with T-Max Dev. for film, and Polymax Dev. for the Poly max paper, but I'd love to use something other than the strong odored Kodak Indi cator Stop Bath (film and paper), and Rapid Fixer (film), and Sprint makes an od orless fixer, and vanilla scented indicator stop …
Photographic chemistry 2 — SidewaysEye
- The most commonly used developing agents are Hydroquinone, Metol, Ascorbic acid and Phenidone. Less comonly used, although important for certain applications are Catechol, Pyrogallic acid, Para-Aminophenol and Amidol. Hydroquinone adds density and contrast when paired with with other agents. It is relatively unstable, being easily oxidised in air.
Photographic Chemistry : The Process of Producing Photographs
- The word photography comes from two Greek words, which mean “drawing by light”. There is at present no field of human activity that is not directly or indirectly touched upon by photography. Photographic process was not discovered overnight. It took many years and a lot of effort from several scientists to discover the process.
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