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High Definition Skia Photography: Die Druckmaschine als …
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SKIA – mountain • photography • contemporary
- mountain • photography • contemporary
User Documentation | Skia
- User Documentation. If you want to write code that uses the Skia library, this is the place for you. The Skia graphics library can be used for drawing Text, Geometries, and Images: 3x3 matrices w/ perspective. antialiasing, transparency, filters. shaders, xfermodes, maskfilters, patheffects.
SkPaint Overview | Skia
- Anytime you draw something in Skia, and want to specify what color it is, or how it blends with the background, or what style or font to draw it in, you specify those attributes in a paint. Unlike SkCanvas, paints do not maintain an internal stack of state (i.e. there is no save/restore on a paint). However, paints are relatively light-weight, so the client may create and maintain any …
Design Documents | Skia
- Skia Automated Testing; Skia Gold; Skia Perf; Skia Swarming Bots; SkQP; Testing on iOS; Writing Skia Tests; Design Documents. Analytic Anti-Alias; Canvas2D Text Extensions; PDF Theory of Operation; Shaped Text; Text API Overview; Text Properties API; The Raster Tragedy in Skia; Two-point Conical Gradient; Presentations. Path Ops; Skia in Chrome ...
Skia: SkImage Class Reference
- SkImage describes a two dimensional array of pixels to draw.. The pixels may be decoded in a raster bitmap, encoded in a SkPicture or compressed data stream, or located in GPU memory as a GPU texture.. SkImage cannot be modified after it is created. SkImage may allocate additional storage as needed; for instance, an encoded SkImage may decode when drawn. ...
Skia: SkImageFilters Class Reference
- Create a filter that moves each pixel in its color input based on an (x,y) vector encoded in its displacement input filter. Two color components of the displacement image are mapped into a vector as scale * (color [xChannel], color [yChannel]), where the channel selectors are one of R, G, B, or A. Parameters.
Shaped Text | Skia
- A series of object models for describing a low-level builder for multi-line formatted text, and the resulting objects that expose the results of shaping that text. These are done outside of DOM Text nodes, and outside of any particular rendering model (e.g. canvas2d or webgl). A related explainer focuses on suggested extensions to canvas2d to allow it to efficiently render the shaped …
Skia: SkPicture Class Reference
- Detailed Description. SkPicture records drawing commands made to SkCanvas. The command stream may be played in whole or in part at a later time. SkPicture is an abstract class. SkPicture may be generated by SkPictureRecorder or SkDrawable, or from SkPicture previously saved to SkData or SkStream.
Skia: SkImageFilter Class Reference
- Detailed Description. Base class for image filters. If one is installed in the paint, then all drawing occurs as usual, but it is as if the drawing happened into an offscreen (before the xfermode is applied). This offscreen bitmap will then be handed to the imagefilter, who in turn creates a new bitmap which is what will finally be drawn to the ...
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