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Seung-Hwan Oh | Photography
- Seung-Hwan Oh | Photography. Being free originally meant being with friends. Freedom and friend have the same root in the Indo-Germanic. Freedom is basically a relational word... . from 'Crisis of Freedom'. by Byung-Chul Han.
Seung-Hwan Oh | People of Print
- posted by Cara Bray October 15, 2014. South Korean artist Seung-Hwan Oh blends science and art for an interesting and unique take on photography. As a microbiologist, he encourages the growth of fungus onto his films. The stunning result is then caused by experimenting with immersing the developed film in water, over a period of months or years.
Seung Hwan Oh | creArte gallery
- Seung-Hwan Oh (Seoul 1970) lives and works between Seoul and Arles (France). He was born in Seoul where he grew up until moving to New York where he studied film and photography at Hunter College (CUNY). His work and practice stem from his interest and approach toward other disciplinary thoughts and ideas, from philosophy to sciences.
Seung-Hwan Oh | LensCulture
- Seung-Hwan Oh works and lives in Seoul, where he was born and raised until moving to New York where he studied film and photography at Hunter College. His work and practice stem from his interest and approach toward other disciplinary thoughts and ideas, from philosophy to sciences. His most recent work, exhibited at Zaha Museum, was inspired by the notion of the first advent …
Seung-Hwan Oh | Profile
- Seung-Hwan Oh | Profile. I, a.k.a., Tonio, work and live between Seoul, Korea and Arles, France. My most recent work, exhibited at Zaha Museum, was inspired by the notion of the first advent of vision in life on earth, and my current work focuses on implementing microbial growth on film as a means to explore the impermanence of matter as well ...
Seung-Hwan Oh | Photography | Camouflage
- In Seung Hwan Oh’s art, there is a power of unordinary vision about ordinary and plain things. There is also the outcome of the artist’s unique approach to the captured subjects and his reflection upon aesthetics. It is not just the subjects that were selected spontaneously. The idea of camouflage and evolution also got chosen by intuition.
Text by Haily Grenet - Seung-Hwan Oh | Photography
- In Seung-Hwan Oh’s, photographic works, the visible disappears and what we usually consider an ima ... Susan Sontag, talks about the image’s disappearance in On Photography. Success of photography has to be understood through this perspective. When the world was facing Modernity, photography became a way to capture a copy of it, on film ...
ARTIST RESEARCH: Seung-Hwan Oh – The Box
- Seung-Hwan OH is a South Korean photographer who I heard about recently. Okay you might say: ” What’s with all these photographers? We are bored. Tell us something else.” I would agree with you, if Seung-Hwan was an ordinary photographer. Oh yes, there is a twist on this one. He is also a microbiologist who uses his knowledge in this ...
Impermanence by Seung-Hwan Oh | the PhotoPhore
- Reading Time: 1 minute Seung-Hwan Oh works and lives in Seoul, where he was born and raised until moving to New York where he studied film and photography at Hunter College. His work and practice stem from his interest and approach toward other disciplinary thoughts and ideas, from philosophy to sciences.. His “Impermanence” series is inspired by the second law of …
Artfully Destroyed Photography : Seung-Hwan Oh
- In reality, however, Seung-Hwan Oh collaborated with microbes to create each visually striking image. Originally photographs, the developed films were placed in water rife with microbes for months and even years to obtain these beautiful effects. Titled Impermanence, Seung-Hwan Oh images focus mainly on artfully destroyed portraits.
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