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Savewater International Photographic Competition 2013
- Deadline: Entries close 5pm (AEST) Monday 30 September 2013. Now in it’s sixth year, the savewater!® photography competition calls both aspiring and professional photographers to get snapping and capture the value of water in an image.
Savewater! International Photography Competition - Mladiinfo
- This competition began in 2008 and was released onto the international stage in 2010. It is designed to recognise creative talent by capturing imagery that depicts the value of water as the key focus. Entrants are allowed to submit a maximum of three photographs, that must be submitted in JPEG or TIF format. The deadline is 30th September 2013.
Competition: Savewater International Photographic Competition …
- Competition: Savewater International Photographic Competition 2013 Deadline: Entries close 5pm (AEST) Monday 30 September 2013. Now in it’s sixth year, the savewater!® photography competition calls both aspiring and professional
2013 Ocean Art Photo Competition - Underwater …
- Underwater Photography Guide is pleased to announce the 2013 Ocean Art Photo Competition. The 3nd annual contest has over $82,000 worth of prizes for the winners, and has 12 categories. 2013 Ocean Art Photo Competition - Underwater Photography Guide
Savewater! International Photography Competition - European …
- It is designed to recognise creative talent by capturing imagery that depicts the value of water as the key focus. Entries are judged on portrayal of the theme ‘Celebrating the value of water’ as well as photographic quality, including composition, creativity and artistic quality, visual impact and technical competence. Eligibility. Entry is open to all schools and individuals. Prizes. There are …
National 2010 savewater! Photography Competition - Photocompete
- With water conservation imagery as the key focus, the savewater! awards® photographic competition provides a unique platform for photographers to creatively demonstrate the importance of water and its impact on our future. Theme: Water conservation. Categories: Junior students (up to 12 years olds) Senior students (13-17 year olds) Open; Prizes:
2011 savewater! awards Photography Competition - Photo …
- Enter Australia’s largest water conservation photo competition. The 2011 savewater! awards Photography Competition is designed to recognise creative talent, with water conservation imagery as the key focus. It provides a unique platform for photographers to creatively demonstrate the importance of water and its impact on our future. Images can be submitted in …
South East Water National Water Week Poster …
- Here are the winners of the 2013 National Water Week poster competition.
"A Single Drop of Water" Photography Competition - Photocompete
- “A Single Drop of Water” Photography Competition. ... $25 ($15 if under 25). Save $10 if you enter before Nov 7. Entry deadline: 15th December 2010; Who can enter: Open to all, who are 14 years old and above, worldwide. ... The 2013 National Geographic Photography Contest Winners; Links. Useful Resources; Information. About; All Contests ...
National 2010 savewater! Photography Competition
- <p>Enter Australia’s largest water conservation photography competition. The national 2010 savewater! awards® photography competition is designed to recognise creative talent, with water conservation imagery the key focus. There are three sub-categories; Junior students (up to 12 years olds), senior students (13-17 year olds) and an open category. To enter, simply take a …
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