Interested in photography? At you will find all the information about Sammie Saxon Photography Columbus Ga and much more about photography.
sammie saxon - ABOUT
- After graduating from CSU Sammie got a magazine internship which pushed him into fashion photography." SAMMIE SAXON. CURRICULUM VITAE. Education. 2014 Master of Fine Art: ... 2000-2006 Annual Professor's Choice Awards • Columbus State University • Columbus GA.
Sammie Saxon Photography - Posts | Facebook
- Sammie Saxon Photography. 7,317 likes · 9 talking about this. Sammie Saxon is a Georgia born photographer who studied photography at Columbus State University and The Academy of Art.
Sammie Saxon - KAVYAR
- Sammie Saxon is a black artist whose work in photography offers the community this opportunity for growth. His diverse and often experimental work inspires imagination and exploration.He received his master’s in photography from The Academy of Art in San Francisco and his bachelors in fine art at Columbus State University.
The Art of Sammie Saxon – The LocaL
- Sammie Saxon is a local artist whose work in photography offers the community this opportunity for growth. His diverse and often experimental work inspires imagination and exploration. Sammie grew up around art. His mother was an illustrator who worked as a hair and makeup artist. One of her more interesting jobs was for a funeral home.
The timeless world of Sammie Saxon - Now Habersham
- Taking pictures and capturing memories became even more important when his mom remarried. His stepdad was in the military. They moved to Fort Bliss in Texas and then later to Columbus, Georgia, just outside Fort Benning. Sammie was taking pictures all along the way. Once again, the camera provided him a way to hold on to those moments in time.
Owner - Sammie Saxon Photography - LinkedIn
- View Sammie Saxon’s profile on LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional community. ... Owner of Sammie Saxon Photography Columbus, Georgia, ... Columbus, GA. Josh Becker
Sammie Saxon Art Exhibit - Southern Views Magazine
- THE EVENT Long time SVM photographer Sammie Saxon most recent collection, Nightmares & Dreams, was showcased March 20th at the Rankin Photography and Art Center in Columbus, Ga. An opening reception was held and guests enjoyed food and live music while viewing Saxon’s work. View fullsize. View fullsize. View fullsize. View fullsize. View ...
Photographers in Columbus? : ColumbusGA
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