Interested in photography? At you will find all the information about Robert Fogarty Photography and much more about photography.
Robert X. Fogarty's 'Dear World' Photography Project …
- “I take people’s portraits, but they are not just any portraits,” said Fogarty, whose art consists of photographic snapshots of subjects with messages written on their skin. “I ask people to share...
Robert X. Fogarty - Wikitia
- Robert X. Fogartyis a photographer, advocate, and volunteer organizer. He facilitated evacuation landmarks in New Orleans called Evacuspots and started the "Dear World" photography movement. [1] Contents 1Early life and education 2Career 2.1Hurricane preparation 2.2Dear world 3Robert X. Fogarty in the media 4References 5External links
Robert Fogarty - Eagles Talent
- If you have, Robert X. Fogarty, founder of Dear World more than likely took the photograph. What started in 2010 as an art project to document people’s love of New Orleans has grown into an international company dedicated to connecting organizations, communities, and teams through the stories of its individuals.
Robert Fogarty - Public Speaking & Appearances - Speakerpedia
- Fogarty has photographed thousands, including Super Bowl Most Valuable Player Drew Brees, Academy Award Winner Susan Sarandon and NBA All Star Chris Paul. His work has been featured by the Washington Post, PBS, CNN, The New York Times, and NPR, among others, and Fogarty now travels to photo shoots and speaking engagements across the country.
Robert X. Fogarty - Founder and Storyteller - Dear World
- Photojournalist Robert Fogarty presented portraits and stories from his Dear World Live project. After a day of photographing Harvard students, Fogarty …
Photographer aims to put a face on the Syria conflict
- Fogarty's first experience taking photos of disaster victims started with survivors of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans, where "people know …
Is This a Business or an Art Project? -
- Robert Fogarty started Dear World to bring attention to the world's most tragic causes. ... He’s a photographer whose striking portraits feature people with heartfelt messages written on their ...
About Robert Glen Fogarty | Flickr
- I am Bob. Hear me roar. I'm not really a photographer, and I don't have a fancy-pants camera. But sometimes I snap the occasional interesting this-or-that with my phone's camera and slap it up here. Sorry for the mess!
Grace: How this Omaha native tells stories with black …
- Fogarty and his staff have photographed 150,000 people — from employees at large corporations that hire Dear World for team-building exercises to …
Remembering Bob Fogarty - Antioch College
- we first met bob fogarty on the mendocino coast in northern ca in the fall of 1969 when we were photographing and writing a documentary about the land and people of the area (which bob later wanted to publish in the antioch review, but we were so busy getting married and preparing to leave the country on roy’s watson travel fellowship that we …
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