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Francis J. 'Red' Grandy: Stripes' prolific veteran photographer, dead ...
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Red Grandy Exhibit - Gateway Museum of Morristown, NY
- HERMON — When 96-year-old Francis “Red” Grandy passed away on Aug. 8 at Claxton-Hepburn Medical Center in Ogdensburg, the noted photographer’s family felt an obvious sense of loss, but those who knew him …
Francis "Red" Grandy Collection | Library
- Red Grandy was born on his family’s farm in Russell, NY in 1922. Following high school, Grandy joined the Army Air Corps in 1942 and after WWII, attended the University of Southern California to study photography. While in Europe working on a master’s degree, Grandy joined the staff of the Stars and Stripes as a photojournalist.
Francis J. 'Red' Grandy: Stripes' prolific veteran …
- Francis "Red" Grandy poses next to a portrait he took of Dwight D. Eisenhower. Grandy, a longtime Stars and Stripes photographer, died Sunday, Aug. 5, 2018. He was 96. (Stars and Stripes) Francis...
Remembering "Red" Grandy, Cold War photojournalist and North
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About Red
- About Red By Francis J. "Red" Grandy Born on Jan. 26, 1922 on my family's ancestral farm in the town of Russell, N.Y. and, until the age of 14, most of my life was passed attending a one-room schoolhouse and helping my father run our …
Red Grandy, Cold War Photographer - North Country Public Radio
- Red Grandy, Cold War Photographer In 1943, Russell native Francis "Red" Grandy left home after high school to serve in the U.S. Army Air Corps. After a couple of years, he enrolled as a cinema...
Red Grandy, Expecting the Unexpected - Lens Blog
- Red Grandy, Expecting the Unexpected By Librado Romero Nov. 3, 2010 As a 21-year-old military photographer in West Germany with few skills, I set off one day in 1963 to seek advice from the best...
Photo Selections- Interesting People
- War Stories: Red Grandy, Cold War Photographer , is ... Red worked for 35 years for Stars and Stripes, the newspaper of the Armed Services. Their website has a Photo of The Day feature, where Red's photos, and the stories behind them, have been posted.
Francis J. 'Red' Grandy: Stripes' prolific veteran photographer, …
- Francis J. "Red" Grandy was known for some of the most iconic photos in the world, including one that caught the priceless look on Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower's face at …
Ace photographer Grandy had passion for life | News |
- HERMON — When 96-year-old Francis “Red” Grandy passed away on Aug. 8 at Claxton-Hepburn Medical Center in Ogdensburg, the noted photographer’s family felt an obvious sense of loss, but those. Thank you for reading! Please purchase a subscription to read our premium content. ...
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