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Photographing Welding - Sensor Damage?: Beginners Questions F…
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How can I photograph welding? - Photography Stack …
- A good moment for photographing welding point is right after the act, while the welding rod and metal are still hot and glowing. While welding is a very bright light source, the luminance it creates falls off pretty fast with distance in accordance with inverse square law. You might want to use some diffused flash to bring out the welder's face, gelled to match ambient light or slightly …
Photographing welding… Sparks…Camera…Action!
- Begin with aperture and shutter speeds set in their mid range. So, f8 and 1/125 sec, for example. To achieve the effects we usually want we tend …
Photographing Welding - Sensor Damage?: Beginners …
- Shooting the welding point itself may be problematic--you may have better luck shooting silhouettes or the resulting sparks and using fill flash …
Photographing welding | Talk Photography
- Feb 28, 2012. #9. Welding glass, NOT an nd filter, the welding glass is designed specifically to filter the arc and save your eyesight. Everyone else in the welding shop will use welding glass, and if a welding arc can burn its image (semi) permanently into a retina, I wouldn't risk a dslr sensor. Id have thought the answer would be obvious to ...
How I went about photographing Arc Welding – …
- In a nutshell it means I could set my camera up on a tripod in front of the welding (not too close as I didn’t want my camera to get damaged by any flying hot sparks) use a tether lead one end which plugs into the camera and …
Photographing Welding - Sensor Damage?: Beginners …
- Photographing Welding - Sensor Damage? Aug 27, 2012 I was thinking about doing a welding shoot, but I wasn't sure how safe it was for my camera. My idea was to light the room with 1000-2000w of shop lights, and expose for my subject (the welder). I would like to do some high shutter speed shots to freeze the action, as well as some longer ...
Photographing a welder | ePHOTOzine
- Quote: For safety's sake, it would be best to set up and focus the shot on a tripod before the guy lights the welding torch and then you can shoot away without looking through the viewfinder (not...
Photographing welding help... | ThePhotoForum
Film & Digital ...
- Photographing welding help... Thread starter EljayK004; Start date Aug 26, 2007; E. EljayK004 TPF Noob! Joined May 4, 2007 Messages 18 Reaction score 0 Location Metro Detroit, MI Can others edit my Photos Photos OK to edit Aug 26, 2007 #1 Ok, my Dad is a welding professor and I wanted to get a few "action shots" of him at work. I've never shot ...
Videoing and photographing welding...
- Welcome to, the ultimate Source for Welding Information & Knowledge Sharing! Here you can join over 40,000 Welding Professionals & enthusiasts from around the world discussing all things related to Welding. You are currently viewing as a guest which gives you limited access to view discussions
Photographing Welding.... -- General Photography Talk in …
- A forum thread in FORUMS Photography Talk by Genre General Photography Talk
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