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How to Make Funky Colorful Images of Ordinary Plastic Objects Us…
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The beauty and horror of photographing plastics - Science
- 20 Aug 2021. By Emily Petersen. 2 min read. Mandy Barker photographs plastic debris during an expedition on Henderson Island. A shocking amount of plastic was collected from this remote Pacific Island and used to create her Shelf-Life series. LUKE HOSTY. “I work with scientists because otherwise it would just be art for no reason,” explains ...
How to Make Funky Colorful Images of Ordinary …
- In basic terms, what we’ll be doing is sandwiching a plastic object between a polarized light source and an on-camera polarizing filter. Polarizing filters that … photo plastic sheets
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In the Soup - Photographing Marine Plastic, with Mandy Barker: …
- It’s worth the time to see the work of photographer Mandy Barker before listening to this episode. Take a glance at the B&H Photography Podcast homepage or Barker’s website to get a sense of the simple but imaginative images she creates; it will certainly enrich the experience of hearing her speak about photographing plastic garbage, which is what she has found to be her calling.
What's the best way to take photos of a clear plastic bottle for ...
- Clear plastic is a special case because of the difficulty in making it show up against a white background. Other colours are easier. Stick on opaque labels on a clear glass or plastic bottle can be difficult because you have a perfectly specular object (the bottle) and a perfectly diffuse object (the label) each of which suits a completely different lighting …
Photography for packaging: - Photigy School Of Photography
- Also, make sure the background can be clearly separated from the object: white background should be at least 2 stops brighter than the object, black should be darker, so the edges of the object are cleraly visible. Do not make package designer guess where is the edges. It is really depends on what kind of object will be photographed, but be ...
Removing glare when photographing plastic | ThePhotoForum
- Photos OK to edit. Jan 1, 2010. #3. Bounce the light so that it's not hitting the subject and coming straight back into the lens of the camera. Play with the angles. Also, you might try a polarizing filter to get rid of the glare.
How to Photograph Highly Reflective Products [+ make more …
- Position the white paper or fabric between the product and the light and supplement that by placing white foam board under the product and to both sides. The foam board will help to reflect light back onto the product and cause it to wrap around the subject softly.
Photographing Clear Objects - Digital Photo
- When photographing a transparent subject on a light background, success will come from doing two things right: lighting the background and defining the edges. My preferred method with a tabletop setup is to use black glass as the foundation, with the table placed at least six feet from the white paper background. This way, I can light the ...
Avoid these common 7 mistakes in e-commerce product …
- Step 3: Post-processing your Images. Similar to the section on camera settings, post production should be relatively straightforward. Use healing and cloning tools to eliminate smudges, fingerprints, dust, and other types of imperfections …
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