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HOME | adoptionguild
- Roy Emerson Adoption Guild Tennis Classic. Since 1949, HFS has been Southern California’s most experienced adoption resource. State licensed, nationally accredited and recognized, HFS exclusively focuses on adoption and foster care services. HFS delivers caring and personalized support for birth mothers considering the loving choice of adoption.
PHOTO GALLERY - adoptionguild
- Contact us: 949-466-0605. Adoption Guild of Southern California. P.O. Box 95. Corona del Mar, CA 92625
The Photographers Guild – Broadening the Art of Photography in …
- The Photographers Guild, Inc. Millrace Center 212 West Washington St., Suite 14 Goshen, Indiana, 46526. Email: MEETINGS: 3rd Wednesday of each month, 6pm. Visitors are welcome. 2022 Monthly Photo Challenge. To inspire us and support our learning, the 2022 Challenge is a year-long project:
Photography | International Photographers Guild
- Our Photography Groups We are currently looking for Photographers to join our team and run these Photography groups. If you interested being the primary Administrator for any of the following listed below, Please fill out our "Join IPG Team" …
HOME - The Photographer's Guild
- "Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What you have caught on film is captured forever... it remembers little things, long after you have forgotten everything."
ABOUT US | adoptionguild
- The Adoption Guild is a volunteer-based, non-profit organization comprised of approximately 50 members based in Orange County. For over 50 years, the Guild has raised funds to financially support Holy Family Services (HFS), a foster and adoption agency in Southern California, which provides critical resources and counseling for children, birth parents and adoptive families …
HOME | adoptionguild
- Since 1949, HFS has been Southern California’s most experienced adoption resource. State licensed, nationally accredited and recognized, HFS exclusively focuses on adoption and foster care services. HFS delivers caring and personalized support for birth mothers considering the loving choice of adoption.
TENNIS CLASSIC | adoptionguild
- Thursday, May 26 - Monday, May 30, 2022. All tournament players must register online. Fees are $85.00 per player, singles and $125.00 per team, doubles. You’ll need a valid credit card and current USTA number for all participating players. For doubles registration, check the payment box (register box) to the right of the event for each player ...
PPGH - Home
- Welcome to the Professional Photographers Guild of Houston. Founded in 1950, PPGH is an Affiliate of the Professional Photographers of America and is one of the most active guilds in the country with over 200 members representing all levels of professional photography experience and photographic interest. Our purpose is to provide a dynamic ...
- February 1- March 8, 2019. Opening Reception February 1, 5pm-8pm. CURRENT SHOWS
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