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- I’m Pedro Ferreira, an artist and PhD student of Fine Arts, Multimedia Art, at the University of Lisbon. I research post-digital aesthetics in audiovisual art and in both my artistic and academic work I’m interested in art that addresses technologies and their effects in culture and society.
Pedro Ferreira - Portraits
- © Pedro Ferreira 2022 | Maia | +351 937 554 960 |
Pedro Ferreira
- Pedro Ferreira Big part of my friends there, already practiced diving the East coast of Africa, and I really was curious about their conversations after the dives. They advise me to try, but I was a little bit scare about it...Once I went to Inhaca Island, just in front of Maputo bay, and 30 minutes snorkeling were enough to think seriously ...
Pedro Ferreira – Photography
- 04 Lifestyle. 01 Events. 02 Portraits. about me. My name is Pedro 'Sayo' Ferreira, I’m a Photographer.. Sharing a passion with photography since 2017, and spreading my vision of the world with various people across styles with a spark of magic, call it "self-touch".
Pedro Ferreira | Photographer | ArchDaily
- Building of the Year 2022 ... Architectural Photography Publications Technology & Software Sustainability and Performance in Architecture ... Pedro Ferreira ...
Pedro Ferreira - VUCAVU
- Pedro Ferreira, born in Oliveira de Azeméis, Portugal in 1988, is a media artist working mainly with film, video, sound, photography and digital media. In 2014 he was selected for the European Media Arts Residency Exchange programme “Move On” at the Images Festival in Toronto.
Pedro Ferreira Photography - Home | Facebook
- Pedro Ferreira Photography, Luxemburgo (cidade). 129 likes · 2 talking about this. Aqui partilho com o mundo, algumas das minhas aventuras e experiências...
- Participation at ARTECH 2021. October 2021. My work Debris was part of the ARTECH 2021 conference – Hybrid Praxis – Art, Sustainability & Technology, including a presentation of my article Debris - The detritus of digital media technologies. The paper addresses my artwork and the environmental impact of consumer electronics and digital ...
Pedro P. Ferreira
- My name is Pedro Pires Ferreira and I am currently a PhD researcher fellow at the University of São Paulo in the ComputEEL research group. My research interest relies on Computational Materials Science, mainly focused on superconductivity, topological semimetals and insulators, statistical thermodynamics and phase diagram. ... 2022: SDumont ...
Pedro Ferreira | Temporada 2022 | ECUS. - YouTube
- Edição de Vídeo para atletas 55+(11) 97984-9025 Instagram:
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