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Key Theories of Paul Virilio - Literary Theory and Criticism
- Paul Virilio (b.1932) is the theorist of the effects of increasing speed in post or late-modernity. Of particular importance for him, in this regard, are information technology and technologies of vision, such as cinema and photography, especially in time of war. And, queries Virilio, is not this all the time? – peace being war by other means.
Paul Virilio | MoMA
- Paul Virilio (French: [viʁiljo]; 4 January 1932 – 10 September 2018) was a French cultural theorist, urbanist, and aesthetic philosopher. ... the arts, the city and the military. According to two biographers, Virilio was a "historian of warfare, technology and photography, a philosopher of architecture, military strategy and cinema, and a ...
Paul Virilio - The European Graduate School
- Biography. Paul Virilio (b. 1932) is a philosopher, urbanist, and cultural theorist. He was trained as an artist at the Ecole des Metiers d’Art, which led him to an early career working with Henri-Emile-Benoît Matisse on stained glass windows in several Paris churches. Virilio later attended lectures in phenomenology by Maurice Merleau-Ponty ...
Paul Virilio (1932 – 2018) - Verso
- Virilio is interested in how an ‘aesthetics of disappearance’ not only comes to shape how we experience the media presentation of increasingly ‘invisible war’ but also how images and photographs continue to contain the possibility of being able to change our perception of the world.
Paul Virilio | geographical imaginations
- First, riffing off Paul Virilio, Trevor develops the idea of photography as a ‘seeing machine‘: ‘Seeing machines is an expansive definition of photography. It is intended to encompass the myriad ways that not only humans use technology to “see” the world, but the ways machines see the world for other machines.
Paul Virilio | Political Theology Network
- Paul Virilio. Paul Virilio, one of France’s foremost theorists of speed and technology, is a deep well for doing political theology in an apocalyptic time. Paul Virilio (1932-2018) was only eight years old in 1940, the year Nazis began to occupy Nantes, the French city along the Atlantic ocean where his family had been evacuated from Paris ...
Quotes by Paul Virilio |
- Read more photography quote by Paul Virilio ! Authors; Topics; Quote of the Day; Blog; Quotes by Paul Virilio [b. 1932] French cultural theorist and urbanist. Scroll down. Quotes 1. Images contaminate us like viruses. Paul Virilio . 0. Share Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Click to copy link Copied. Authors; Topics ... Paul Virilio Quotes - [b. 1932 ...
Notes on Paul Virilio’s War and Cinema | Masters of Media
- Virilio traces a co-production of military and cinematic techniques and technologies, from the mass production of aerial photography and cinematic propaganda to modern flight simulators and weapons that “open their eyes” (e.g. laser guided missiles).
Virilio, War, and Technology: Some Critical Reflections
- In the concluding chapter of _The Vision Machine_ (1994), Virilio distinguishes between painting as the age of the image's formal logic, photography and film as the age of the image's dialectical logic, and video recording, holography, and computer graphics as the beginning of an age of paradoxical logic: the latter emerges "when the real-time image dominates the thing …
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