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Otturatore Photography LLC in Fishers, IN | Company Info & Reviews
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Otturatore Photography Welcome Guide by Janelle... - Flipsnack
- Otturatore Photography Welcome Guide. Janelle Atherton DeWolf Published on August 5, 2012. Flipsnack can also be used as: online design tool, magazine maker, brochure creator, catalog maker, portfolio maker, flipbook maker. The cookies we use on Flipsnack's website help us provide a better experience for you, track how our website is used, and ...
(Otturatore (fotografia)) -
- In fotografia, un otturatore, a cui ci si può riferire anche con il termine inglese shutter, è un dispositivo meccanico o elettronico, che consente alla luce di passare per un determinato periodo, esponendo alla luce una pellicola fotografica o un sensore digitale fotosensibile per catturare un'immagine permanente di una scena.
© Otturatore Photography …
- Jan 24, 2012 - © Otturatore Photography
How to Photograph Otters: Locations, Techniques
- 1. Lens – For most otter shots, the longer the lens the better, as you don’t have to get to close and risk disturbing them. I’m a big fan of zoom lenses for otters, so I use a Nikon 200-400mm f/4. Otters move around a lot and it’s not always possible to move especially if they are close.
Photography terms: ISO, aperture, shutter speed, more
- Edgar Cervantes. Shutter speed is typically measured in seconds and fractions of a second. A shutter speed of 1/100 will expose the sensor for …
Photographers in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil | Model Mayhem
- Artist Type: Male Photographer Experience: Very Experienced Compensation: Depends on Assign. Genres: Acting, Art, Editorial, Erotic, Fashion, Glamour, Lingerie ...
Shutter (photography) - Wikipedia
- In photography, a shutter is a device that allows light to pass for a determined period, exposing photographic film or a photosensitive digital sensor to light in order to capture a permanent image of a scene. A shutter can also be used to allow pulses of light to pass outwards, as seen in a movie projector or a signal lamp.A shutter of variable speed is used to control exposure time of …
otturatore | definition in the Italian-English Dictionary
- otturatore - translate into English with the Italian-English Dictionary - Cambridge Dictionary
Dr. Alexandre Karam - Home | Facebook
- Cirurgião-dentista, atuando na área de periodontia e implantodontia. 41227-190 Salvador, BA, Brazil
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