Interested in photography? At you will find all the information about Orange County Florida Aerial Photographs and much more about photography.
Aerial Photography : Florida » Map & Imagery Library - UF Libraries
- The Aerial Photography: Florida Collection has been funded under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act, from the Institute of Museum and Library Services, administered by the Florida Department of State, State Library and Archives of Florida. The Aerial Photography: Florida Collection was funded by three Library Services and Technology Act grants (proposals: …
Aerial Photography Archive - FDOT
- Search, request and download aerial photography using the Aerial Photo Look Up System ( APLUS ). Learn about the largest collection of aerial photography images of the State of Florida. A map of the most recent county aerial datasets available. (PDF 1.37 MB) A list of available aerial photography by county and years. (PDF 111 KB)
Aerial photographs of Orange County - 1954 Index
- University of Florida Holding Location: Map and Imagery Library, George A. Smathers Libraries, University of Florida. Rights Management: This item is presumed to be in the public domain. The University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries respect the intellectual property rights of others and do not claim any copyright interest in this item.
Aerial Photographs | OCFL Newsroom
- Aerial Photographs. Historical/Archives ………………………………………….. 407-836-7787. Public Works Main Complex. 4200 S. John Young Pkwy., Orlando, FL 32839. Staff provide access, research, retrieval and reproductive assistance with current and historical aerials, topographical aerials, commercial and subdivision infrastructure plans and correspondence. Public Works’ drawings …
County of Orange, Historical Aerial Imagery
- County of Orange, Historical Aerial Imagery. 1. Go to the location you want to explore, then Click on a place to see available historical aerial imagery. 2. Click timeline maps to view in main window. 3. Slide transparency on map to compare, or drag/drop to re-order maps.
Vintage Aerial | Florida | Orange County
- Orange County. We have 243 rolls of film from Orange County. That's about 8,652 photos . 100% of our collection is searchable in this county. If you don't find what you're looking for, try browsing our entire archive .
2019 Digital Aerial Photography for Orange County, Florida
- Orange County, FL USGS Topo Map CD for $14.99. USGS TOPO CDs of your County! Same great format for the GIS professional MrSID UTM NAD83 Aerial Photography overlayed with USGS topographic map You must purchase both USGS TOPO CD and AERIAL PHOTO CD for your county in order to do this.
UF Digital Collections
- The University of Florida Digital Collections (UFDC) provides users free and open access to full unique and rare materials held by the University of Florida and partner institutio
Aerial Photo Collection - FDOT
- Historical single frame black-and-white, natural color, and color infrared aerial photography of Florida are available in a digital format at a resolution of 1,200 dpi or better. (1946 - 2003) Review Indexes Order Aerials. Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service.
LABINS - Survey Data for Florida, aerial images.
- University of Florida Map & Digital Imagery Library. The University of Florida Map & Digital Imagery Library houses the largest and most complete collection of Florida aerial photographs (~160,000 photos) outside of the National Archives. These photos document the dramatic changes in Florida's land use between 1937 and 1990.
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