Interested in photography? At you will find all the information about Old Photograph Collections and much more about photography.
Digital Photography Collections | National Archives
- U.S. Geological Survey Photographic Library. This site contains over 30,000 digitized photographs from the USGS collection of over 400,000 photographs taken from 1868 to the present. The database can be searched or browsed in a number of categories such as Earthquakes and Pioneer Photographers.
Historical Photographs | Digital Collections | Collections
- More than 500 photographic images in this collection have been digitized for the online collection showing a variety of buildings, landscapes, and artifacts from Mesoamerican archaeological sites in Mexico, Central America, and Peru. WWII Photographs by J Malan Heslop. More than 1,350 images scanned from negatives, original prints, and slides.
Sell Antique Photographs | Auction Consignment for Old …
- Antique Photo Collections & Albums. We buy and consign collections of original antique photos of historical or noteworthy value, including vintage photo albums filled with such images. Topics of interest include military, ocean liners / ships, …
Photograph and Image Collections - Smithsonian …
- Photographs and other images at the Smithsonian Institution Archives are not in a central file, but are dispersed throughout its collections. However, there are a few collections which are mostly devoted to photographs. Many digitized images from these and other collections can be found Archives' Collection Search. Most online images can be downloaded in low resolution versions …
Buy & Sell Original Vintage Photos - Just Collect
- Buy & Sell Original Vintage Photos. Babe's final bow at Yankees Stadium, Ali dominantly standing over a fallen Liston, Lou Gehrig delivering his farewell speech, for sports fans these are images that are burned into our mind. Brief moments in time that decades later still send chills down our spine, raise the goose bumps on our arms and bring a ...
Historic Photo Collection · MPL
- The photos may be viewed in the Frank P. Zeidler Humanities Room of the Central Library; for an appointment or additional information please call 414 286-3061. The collection is in the process of being digitized; however digitization is a slow process. To see what photos have already been digitized, check the Milwaukee Historic Photos digital ...
Photo Collections — Vermont Historical Society
- Digitized Photo Collections. The Leahy Library of the Vermont Historical Society has extensive collections of photographs, postcards, and other images. These collections offer unsurpassed glimpses into Vermont's past. Most of these collections have not been digitized, so a visit to the library is essential to explore the full extent of our ...
Photo Collection - Los Angeles Public Library
- The Los Angeles Public Library Photo Collection contains images from the 1850s to the present, documenting all aspects of life in Southern California, with an emphasis on Los Angeles. Please note, the physical collection is not available for browsing in person. Please see our FAQ for additional information.
Photographs | Denver Public Library History
- Photographs. The Denver Public Library’s Western History and Genealogy Department collection of digitized photographs chronicles the people, places and events that shaped the settlement and growth of the Western United States. It is representative of works of many outstanding photographers. Subjects include Native Americans, pioneers ...
List of Photo Collections - San Francisco Public Library
- A list of collections are below. In addition, over 50 other processed photograph collections and photograph albums have guides available on the Online Archive of California (OAC). Please search the lists below and the OAC. Finally, there are unprocessed photograph collections; please contact the Photo Curator for more information and access.
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