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Digital Photography Collections | National Archives
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Best 10 Old Photo Archive Websites - VanceAI
- 2022-04-18. The old picture archive website is a collection of historic photos restored and saved digitally. With AI restoration technology that is VanceAI Photo Restorer, you can bring historic images back to life. It helps to remove any scrapes, blemishes, or chafes.
Photo Archive of Old Photos Shows First 100 Years of …
- Europeana Photography, a new photo archive presented by Europeana Collections, presents over 2 million old photos that document the first 100 years of photography history. ‘Loya: Valley of the Yosemite (The Sentinel)' by Eadweard Muybridge (1867 – 1872)
Photograph and Image Collections | Smithsonian …
- Record Unit 7355, Martin A. Gruber Photograph Collection, 1919–1924 This collection consists of black and white photographs taken by Gruber, who worked for the War Department between 1891 and 1929. Subjects include buildings, bridges, monuments, and trees and flowers of the Washington, DC, area, as well as views of the National Zoological Park.
Photo Archive (Getty Research Institute)
- The Photo Archive's two million photographs provide supplementary and original pictorial research for the study of fine arts from antiquity to the modern period. The archive's strength lies in the photographic reproduction of western art, architecture, and decorative arts. Patrons can use these photographs to conduct a wide range of research, including the history of collecting …
10 photo archive websites that let you lose yourself in …
- 8. Iconic Images. Pop culture fans would do well to check out this commercial photography archive that you can browse for free. The archives have historic images from the worlds of fashion, rock ...
Historical Photographs | Digital Collections | Collections
- Huntington Bagley Collection. Elfie Huntington and Joseph Bagley were noted portrait photographers of the early 20th century, who were trained by George Edward Anderson. This digital collection selects approximately 4,500 images out of their collection of over 15,000 studio and environmental portraits from central and southern Utah.
Photographic Archives - UofL Libraries at University of …
- The Photographic Archives houses over two million photographs and associated records and manuscripts. Hundreds of discrete collections include national documentary projects, local history photographs and an excellent museum collection of fine prints. Use of our research room and exhibitions gallery is free and open to the public. Prepare for your visit.
Prints & Photographs Online Catalog
- The Prints and Photographs Online Catalog (PPOC) contains catalog records and digital images representing a rich cross-section of still pictures held by the Prints & Photographs Division and, in some cases, other units of the Library of Congress. The Library of Congress offers broad public access to these materials as a contribution to education and scholarship.
- FIND YOUR OLD SCHOOL PHOTOGRAPH. MEMORIES ARE BIG AS OUR LIFE! We provide you a golden opportunity to get a look back to your old school photographs. We are the best solution to find your group photos taken from your schools and colleges from the year 1984 onward. We started our company in Switzerland in 1999,We have a large database with 85,000 photographs …
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