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Photography and Monumentality - Saint Lucy
- none
Photography and Monumentality - Saint Lucy
- The seduction of monumentality attracted both the revolutionary and the authoritarian tendencies of the Soviet avant-garde. Structural practicalities aside, the visionary architecture of Vladimir Tatlin’s plans for The Monument to the Third International (1917) embodied the promise of a progressive industrial future. Alas, the photographs of the models of Tatlin’s tower reach us …
Notes On Photography And Monumentality | Aperture | Fall 2009
- NOTES ON PHOTOGRAPHY AND MONUMENTALITY. ESSAY. MARK ALICE DURANT. Is it the truth or the falsehood of a society that one learns from its monuments? —Robert Harbison ... One wouldn’t expect much of a contest in terms of endurance, yet as Roland Barthes has observed, photography has replaced the monument as the site of collective …
MONUMENTality | The Getty Research Institute
- Monumentality evokes an aura of greatness, a sense of power and gravity that demands public recognition. As markers of history and repositories of collective memory, monuments can project multiple and sometimes contradictory meanings. Scale and size have figured prominently in human efforts to mark cosmic and geological time, from patterns ...
- "Light monumentality" defining as urban link: The monument has neglected in the indifference of people in modern city; it only attracts to tourists. The importance as monumentality has been disappearing. That is, the monumental object exposes its power to atmosphere and stand as sublimed object; however, it never communicates with city. ...
Monumentality - Oxford Handbooks
- Abstract and Keywords. ‘Monument’ today carries a double meaning, evoking size and durability on the one hand, and commemoration or memorial on the other. Monuments are highly diverse in their form, character, and age. They include prehistoric standing stones and earthen enclosures, massive obelisks and pyramids, and memorials to the dead ...
Monumentalism - A Power Language in Visual …
- D Monumentality in visual communication Graphic design is the science of the surface. ... Anything like paper models, small handwritten notes or wall paintings, either analog form or digital ...
(PDF) Monuments and Monumentality - different …
- While focusing on architectural aspects, this volume also discusses the social meaning of monuments, the role of forced and free labour, as well as textual monumentality.
Nine Points on Monumentality - APHA
- Nine Points on Monumentality J. L. Sert, F. Léger, S. Giedion Oue donneriez vous ma belle Pour revoir votre man? Je donnerai Versailles, Paris et Saint Denis a es tours de Notre Dame Et le clocher de mon pays Aupres de ma blonde Ou’d fait bon, fait bon, fait bon. From an old French song, «Aupres de ma blonde» 1.
- 25 TheNeedforaNewMonumentality 1944 40 OnMonumentally andColor, byFemand Liger 1943 48 NinePoints onMonumentality 1943 52 SomeWordsonFemand Leger 1955 56 Marginalia 57 OntheSpace-Emanating Power ofContemporary Sculpture 1949 Part 3. ONTHECOOPERATION OFARCHITECT, PAINTER, ANDSCULPTOR 64 Marginalia 67 OntheForce ofAesthetic Values …
Can We Imagine Public Art Beyond ‘Toxic Monumentality’?
- From Birmingham to Crosby Beach to Gateshead, his figures seemed to cling to a death-drive imperial masculinity, desperate to endure for posterity. Call it toxic monumentality. Fast-forward to May 2021 and Gormley’s brassneck suggestion that Oxford must disregard the democratic decision of Oriel College to dismantle its proto-fascist, white ...
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